Suggest a graphic tablet or its alternative mouse

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1337 |)00|) \m/
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get myself a graphic tablet for Digital Matte Painting. I searched on Ebay and found some genius tablets for about 3-4k...

I want to know if you know about other good brands within the above price range, available across stores. Cheaper, the better for me. But quality shouldn't be much hit.

Also, If there are some pen shaped mice, which will let me hold it in a pen shape and draw, I guess it'll turn out to be cheaper for me.. If its there and you know of it.. Please post those too with appropriate vendors in Kolkata .



No pain....No gain
You can get Iball PEN TABLET 8060u (8"x6" active space) for Rs.2600. Or else if you want quality then only one brand to go for "WACOM". Its Graphire CTE-640 (8"x6") costs around 7.5k. The CTE-440 (4"x5") cost around 4.5k. For WACOM product look here *
One more point, the Wacom pens are wireless and battery free mean you don't need battery for the pens to operate but for any other brand single AAA battery must be used with the pen. Actually the battery free technology is patented by WACOM.
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