suddenly yahoo sites wont open..

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Senior Member
i'm having this problem since a long time and couldnt find the solution to it. i'll be browsing some yahoo site when all of a sudden it wont load any more pages...the current page is displayed but when i click on any link, the page wont open. i get the usual white page with 'check your network connection, you typed ww. instead of www. ' kinda msgs...
when this happens, even or doesnt open. then again after some time, all yahoo pages start to work. i can open any yahoo site.

Choto Cheeta

as usual, hope ur system is Virus/Spyware/Maleware Free, use KAV and all those, blah blah ...

after u made sure u dont have any Virus/Spyware/Maleware,

Check any Firewall or any such is blocking sites, and try useing other browser...

u may also try switching the default ISP DNS server too a different 3rd party one... u may use openDNS...


Tech'ing life seriously!!
one of my friend also got such irritants and found to be spyware...
get urself spybot or spyware doctor from net and eradicate those nuisanse...

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