Steam problem


Broken In
I have a steam account.I am unable to play my previous games on Steam .the pc on which i used to play games like Mafia II and Metro had a problem so I had to send it to the technician who formatted everything.I have another pc at home.I registered on Steam using my Password etc but when I put in the CD to play the game I get an updating Mafia II message and downloading starts...the total download is ....believe it or not 5982.1 MB...I have been downloading now for 3 whole friggin days on my slow net connection and till now I have downloaded 282.9 MB...I think I will go old by the time the whole thing downloads. I have the original CD and a steam account so why must I download the game all over again? Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and How I can Solve this problem?


Broken In
For internet I use an apology of a connection called MTS MBlaze which does not live up to its name at all. Unlimited package costs me Rs 999 per month and the speed (speed?) is about 3 kbps to 11 kbps.That explains the excruciatingly slow update .I live in Kalimpong which is in Darjeeling and its like the wilderness as far as the computer world goes....and yes I did back up my games previously but like I said the nincompoop of a technie formatted the whole pc till it was like a hairless new borne babe.... and I am still downloading Mafia II and if it was possible I would like to join the Mafia and gun down the chap who invented Steam


Staff member
Bad internet is bad :/

I have the backup copy of Mafia, in case you are so desperate to play then may be I can mail you.
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