Hi Sukhdeep,
I have one hosting from you. I need another one now with Domain .com + Hosting (Baby/Basic Plan). Can you quote me the price so that I can transfer it by tomorrow.
Is domain free for all plans.. ----
so can i select my own domain.. like. www.myname.com.. let me know..
Sukh... I tried to e-mail you at support@host4cheap.org but for some reason the delivery is delayed. Anyway, I would like to use the baby plan to host my firm's website. I already have a domain name. Can I do that?
my first paid hosting got activated today!
Thanks Sukhdeep for making it possible![]()
Hi axxo
As always Please open a ticket at Support Desk as this is Just a Sales Thread.![]()
Just bought a hosting plan and a domain from Sukhdeep. The guy is damn helpful and explained everything I wanted to know or had any doubts about. The account was activated on the very same day the payment went through. My new site which is now online but under construction: www.abhi247.com
Thanks Sukhdeep!!![]()
You are one who hosts hullap's site right ?
Well, I am using BSNL H500 internet from Bangalore and the site takes 20 seconds to load on a cleared cache. ALL the time. Any idea why this low speed ?
And with 50% off code would that Rs. 1000 plan become available for Rs. 500 ?
Is 40GB/Month bandwidth enough if I host a repository used by a hundred guys hosting some software which totally takes up around 5MB space ?
EDIT: 5,500 posts![]()