SSH Proxy and http proxy?


Got a whack on head!
Hi friend!
Actually I have two pc-s. One is here and another one is "some where" else. I got very fast internet connection on that 2nd pc. 1st PC runs ubuntu 12.04LTS and second one also runs ubuntu 12.04LTS.
I always use ssh tunneled proxy to ensure my internet privacy. I create ssh tunnel using the following command on my first pc:
ssh -D 8080
This will create ssh socks proxy and i will have to configure my firefox to use that proxy. Now let me come to the actual problem :D
I've configured my second pc to use a http proxy to ensure more privacy.
by changing the .bashrc file:
http_proxy=*username: password@httpProxyIp: port/
2nd machine uses this proxy as its http proxy. But whenever i tunnel my second machine from my first machine,it actually doesn't use the proxy,instead it goes directly to internet. Where im doing wrong???

Thank you,
(I know my qn is little bit tricky but YOU CAN ANSWER :D )
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change is constant!!
how u know its going directly..? if u have applied proxy in firefox. either it should go through proxy or it must give "proxy not found" error!..
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