spreading linux distros, pls guide.....

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i have seen some sites like roseindia and linuxbazar.com who are selling linux distros. obviously the os is free but they are charging for the cd/dvd and shipping etc. i wish to know can i do the same. i mean can i also see the cds. i can provide them at far cheaper rates then they are selling. please guide me. i have also recently joined linux-delhi.org, lug.



Cyborg Agent
Yes you can. There is nothing illegal in it. You can charge for media, postage and handling charges.

If you can, you can provide support and charge for that too.


Cyborg Agent
Hi Santu. I want the Fedora 5 (64bit) bootable DVD too. I live in Chandigarh. Can you send me that? You can send me mail if you don't wan't to post here.
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