Should I go woith Dell or Mac ???

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Then wrong you are my good sir. For it is OS X that makes all the difference. Of course, OS X runs perfectly only on a Mac, so that ends that argument.

I am not saying that the MacBook by itself is a crappy notebook. It sure is an awesome notebook, looks good, and runs Windows pretty fast as well. But the major USP of the whole thing is the Mac ecosystem which is driven by OS X and OS X only.
OS X it is... BUT at the same time, you can't but help agreeing that I can get osx like features and usability on other platforms without spending a single pie.

if you STILL want to keep with the osx arguement, the main other thing that I see as being worth getting a mac is iLife. THAT, my friend, is the thing on macintoshes thats most envied, not just by windows users, but by linux users too.


Aspiring Novelist
You can get most (if not all) of Mac OS X’s features, but you can never get the usability. It’s impossible.

You’ll add a Dock to Linux and something similar to Exposé and you’ll think you have it pinned down. But will you be able to right click on an icon in the Dock and set it to launch at login? Will you be able to drag a file’s icon from the titlebar in an open application and drag it onto the Desktop to create an alias? Will you ever be able to see the status of your online contacts in Google Talk while browsing their emails in your email application of choice? I think not.

That’s what usability is all about. These theme makers can imitate Mac OS X all they want but they can never bring you the overall cohesiveness and functionality of Mac OS X and its hallmark ease of use. :)

Now, can we not have this discussion all over again, please? I think this thread should be closed now.
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