Setup a home mailserver

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Guys, i need some tutorials for setting up a working SMTP/POP mail server (IMAP not necessary).
i have the following programs to start with :

Apache server (http)
Mercury mail server (bundled with apache)

The server should be able to both send and revieve mail


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Are you sure that mercury mail is bundled with Apache? Or did you download a package containing both of them?

Anyways, I recommend that you install MailEnable Standard edition(free) [google for links]

BTW why would you need Apache--unless you need to send the email through a web application or a script.


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़

Anyways, I could never use Mercury Mail successfully.
I am using mailenable on my localhost successfully.

To us it, just start the MailEnable Console and run the script. If the mail does not reach the inbox, do check its logs for any errors.
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