session problem in sites!!!

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i have mail account (rediff) and i check the mails in it regularly. well, i had problems in IE as there was a problem with session i.e the user is logged out within some few seconds, if lying idle for few seconds. for this i shifted to firefox. at first it worked fine but recenlty this too have the same problem.

is it some security features in these sites??? then the problem is...

well, if i begin to write letter and the try to post, it shows to login again as it has automatically logged me out. this is a real terrible feeling for we never come across this problem and to add this, write the whole of stuff again.

pls suggest whether there is any problem with session in browser??



Wise Old Owl
I saw this query in QnA at * also. Trying to increase post count by wrong methods.


Cyborg Agent
yup there definately is a session time that all sites maintain ... i don think therez a turnaround for this unless ur using an email client ...

nd as far as being safe than sorry is concerned,simply before sending the mail select the whole of ur mail nd copy it by ctrl + c .. the copied contents in ur clipboard will come out handy!
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