[Screenshots] XGL ROCKS bigtime WOW!! :D

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Satissh S

I tried out the novell xgl in my gentoo 2005.0 build today. Emerge Xorg-X11 7.0 and then xgl. Now i'am running GNOME with compwiz Window manager and it seriously rocks!! :D :shocked:

Here are a few screenies, 8)
Here i have enabled opacity translucency in gconf editor and other effects such as wobble, zoom etc.,

That's the transparency through a movie running in mplayer. The xgl does this by using opacity pluggin for xgl. The terminal used is rxvt which supports realtime transparency. Install rxvt and do,
urxvt -name Terminal -fn "xft:Monospace:pixelsize=11" -fade 20 +sb -depth 32 -fg white -bg rgba:2000/2000/2000/dddd.

Here is a screenie of the fast application switching,

4.*img136.imageshack.us/img136/7276/screenie43yd.th.jpg *img221.imageshack.us/img221/3197/screenie53pl.th.jpg
That's what it came when i took the screen shot, The 3d- desktop switch is amazing and it's quite thrilling to watch!

Here is the screenshot of the new real time zooming.

You can even move around the screen while zoomed in or out. Check the following screenies, for left, top, right ,bottom parts of the screen respectfully.
*img136.imageshack.us/img136/8357/screenie71up.th.jpg *img221.imageshack.us/img221/6680/screenie82ya.th.jpg *img221.imageshack.us/img221/8494/screenie98tp.th.jpg *img221.imageshack.us/img221/557/screenie108hx.th.jpg

These seem extremely positive and impressive and i see great migration to linux, once they come out. As for as v*sta is concerned, i really don't think it's got a chance especially aftr i saw these.
:p ;)


In the zone
That's Grt Screenshots Satya.. :)

BTW which Graphics Card you have?
I have tried running on Ubunty Dapper Flight 4 But unfortunately looks like XGL is crashing.. :(
Satissh S

Satissh S

I have nvidia 6800 gt naveen. It looks pretty well here. May be you missed something in your config? :roll:


left this forum longback
wowwowowowow! :shock: great that is.is that the one put forward by Novell?
what about RedHat's XGL replacement
Satissh S

Satissh S

@ prakash: Yes, that was the one put forward by novell :)
Here are few more screenies. Teaching my tux, new tricks everyday ;)
A clear look of the half-split screenie.,
*img133.imageshack.us/img133/9633/screenie124uf.th.jpg *img133.imageshack.us/img133/8780/screenie136eo.th.jpg *img133.imageshack.us/img133/9863/screenie140yw.th.jpg
And here is the one on the wobbly-googly effect, it's beautiful, though the screenie looks bad :roll:


left this forum longback
That's gr8.but i mean anyone knows about RH/Fedora's AIGLX Project..
AIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. We have a lightly modified X server (that includes a couple of extensions), an updated Mesa package that adds some new protocol support and a version of metacity with a composite manager. The end result is that you can use GL effects on your desktop with very few changes, the ability to turn it on and off at will, and you don't have to replace your X server in the process.
Satissh S

Satissh S

Hmm.. AIGLX doesn't work on nvidia., cards. Even if i had wished to run it. I would have probably not. So they are implementing a incremental change to Xorg itself. That's welcome! I saw the minimise effect and was pretty impressed with the first and the second ones. But i think the biggest plus abt XGL currently is that there are a lot of pluggins 'out there' which i can install and use any effect.
Satissh S

Satissh S

It seems as if a dedicated videocard is a must, but i see support for Intel Extreme graphics 2 in intel boards > 915gv.


hmmm nice effects, but i don't find how productive is that
Satissh S

Satissh S

Productive?? Well Productive they are, in a sense that we can see what's behind the app due to translucency effects., ;) helps in screen management, but actually these are simply icandy nothin else :p


Looks very good but i guess the transparency can be adjusted but obviously it needs a graphics and i dont even have a AGP slot, so cant install it when i install a linux distro this month. Anyways does it work with all the linux distros to be precise is it a environment or an added feature of sort


can't even read properly whats behind any app, like if u have word open how can u read or write with the whole window being transparent


18 Till I Die............
Can I install it on my comp without a graphics card? If I can I want to check it out with gentoo.
Satissh S

Satissh S

It'll be a bit choppy, mehul and well let it become stable and i really suggest NOT to use ~x86. Wait until it becomes stable.


18 Till I Die............
I don't mind if its a bit choppy as i just want to test it out right now, gentoo will be more for the purpose of testing right now. BTW, I got 732 MB of RAM, is it enough?
BTW, what's ~x86? Does it mean testing?
Satissh S

Satissh S

Yes ~x86 means testing, repo. I dunno if it will run without gfx card! You REALLY want to test it?
If so, follow this,
good luck!!
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