Screenshots Channel (56K warning)


Wise Old Owl
Too lazy to post individual shots. Check link for Deus Ex Mankind Divided screenshots. Compressed jpegs though.

Steam Community :: chimera201 :: Screenshot


Awsome game.







Chosen of the Omnissiah
Mass Effect - Andromeda



I wonder why has ME:andromeda garnered so much hate and unfavourable reviews despite being quite an enjoyable and well optimized title.Initially the awkward facial animations did cause a bit of annoyance but most of them were fixed in the 1.05 patch.Personally,i think its a lot better than the older ME titles which became really repetitive after a while.This new ME on the other hand incorporates huge and diverse alien worlds(not to mention gorgeous),new combat mechanisms and a wide array of new enemy types which make it really entertaining to play!

@bssunilreddy :Were you running AC unity on your rig at 1080p?What were your avg FPSs while playing the game?

@Faun: which iteration of dead space was it?Is it the 1st game that was released in 2008?
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Borderlands 2


More Borderlands 2
Going for Jack
The Warrior
Dead Warrior
Lilith killing Jack
Waiting on Borderlands 3

Off Topic: What happened to the spoiler tag option?
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