Screenshots Channel (56K warning)


Back to school!!
Not really a game, but after about 20 mins rendering:


I'll soon post some high quality renders(1-2 hours).


Back to school!!
Awesome man :D
really love the detail of reflections on hood of car.
Nice job!
That's nothing man, look at this:
30 mins of pure raytracing.

@ Tkin
Thats a real piece of art bro. Real nice job.
Look above.

Anyway about 4-6 hrs of constant rendering will get you this:

I'll do some overnight rendering and post pics soon.

Or maybe this:

Found this one in internet, overnight run.


Back to school!!
Rendering what?
Rendering nVidia design garage, it uses pure raytracing to generate the car image, the same technique used by pixar and dreamworks to make their movies you can try it out too, typical render @1024x768 will take about 2hrs to look good.


Living to Play
Nice Jog Tkin

From Return to Ostagar DLC. I felt emotional for the King when he was left there to rot.




Some Dirt 3 Snaps



Human Spambot
nice dirt3 and raytracing snaps!!!!!!!!!! wished this raytracing was available for amd gpus too.......


I have only 2 more games with DX11 support.Metro 2033 and STALKER COP and never played stalker beyond 1st level.


Anyway about 4-6 hrs of constant rendering will get you this:

amazing work dude roads also reflecting , from which city will you relate this.

Anyways nice job.


→|Requiescat| |in| |Pace|
@ajai nice snaps

wonder how will it run on my new system.. yet to download it from steam :(


Living to Play
soumo27 said:
wonder how will it run on my new system.. yet to download it from steam
Very well. The game is very nicely optimized. I am playing this one nowadays at full settings on my 5770.

Here are some of mine from DAO








^^ reminds me playing DAO after my 5th sem..the best RPG i played in my life..great gameplay..highly optimizrd and bug free..planning to play again @full HD after getting a new system!!


This rain may cause colds to your weak gpu.


Sweet traffic

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