Save the commonwealth tiger


Reborn ... four times
@hansraj, you can stay with your siggy. We are not revolutionaries.

Take another leaf from the independence movement. The vast majority of those who participated in the non-violent movement that shook the British empire were also not revolutionaries. They had someone like Mahatma Gandhi to lead and pull them together in one cohesive and gigantic movement whose energy could not be smothered by the Rulers. We have knowledge and technology. Could we use this as our collective leader and bring about a tech-enabled revolution? They used satyagraha – insisting to let truth prevail. Can we adopt the same philosophy?


In the zone
Three things have moved me in the last few months like never before to say that the biggest problem facing us is not poverty or illiteracy but our country's governance:

One, The mockery and robbery in the garb of CWG 2010. As more facts come to light every day, it leaves one with no doubt that this was an enterprise concieved, staffed and managed to rob the wealth of this nation and its citizens by a privilegd few with impunity and utter disregard for consequences.

Two, the shameless show of our legislators cutting across political beliefs and affiliations fighting to increase their own salaries and perks, when less than 1% of the people they represent are even close to what they earn or make – as salaries or otherwise. The change in their wealth, which they themselves report, over the few years they 'rule' tells the story.

Three, the unfailing consistency with which people who try to bring facts to light in the most peaceful and civilized way – the RTI activists, turn up dead.

If we look back and see why the British Raj was not good for India, there is an uncanny parallel: It worked on principle of robbing our country's wealth and taking it out; it focused on the well being of the rulers at the expense of common Indians; and it went to any extent including murder, to smother any protest or question against it.

well said....
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