RRoDs with XBox 360

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My Xbox 360 is around 2 years old.Last year around December it gave me a RRoD and stopped working unexpectedly.Again after some months I tried running it but same problem.Yesterday,to plat GTA IV:D ,in some hope,I switched it on and it worked!It gave an RRoD first but later workred fine!I played for about 2-3 hours and kept it on for almost 7-8 hours to see if again it shows a RRoD or not.It Didn't.Then,while playing in the evening ,in the middle of a game,i got an RRoD again!After that it worked for 2-3 hours without any problems.Is there any fix for this issue?My Xbox 360 is modded,so,can't get any help from MS:(Are the new XBox 360s RRoD-Proof?Or will I have to buy a PS 3?


Wise Old Owl
see the thing is most RROD's reported are on modded console..
Legit consoles have a very little chance of gettin RROD .i also have a NTSC console , unmodded and it was purchased when MS launhed 360.i never had a problem.


Wise Old Owl
region free games..
NTSC games from a frnd in US.dont have any except NFS PS

+ i have a PAL console too..that too unmodded.
2 XBOX 360's?WOW!
In August,I'm buying a new console,which one to go for?PS 3?or XBox 360,Are they RRoD proof?I won't mod it this time:D


Wise Old Owl
yea..one was gifted by dad..the other was purchased last yr when i couldnt find any ntsc game in india :lol:

Xbox 360 definitely.u will have much more fun..
i m tired of my PS3.just few good titles and all the hype.i got it after reading all the fanboy posts in every forum..now i m sick of it.only waiting for MGS 4.

u can try x-clamp fix..or send the console to lynx-india for repair.amarbir has started console repair in his shop and has some awesome tools to fix ur xbox.
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How much does Xbox 360 Elite cost?

I place my Xbox 360 horizontally whereas it should be placed vertically.Might this be causing problems?I can't fix it now.All I can do is buy a new one.I rarely played on my XBox 360.It was like a piece of junk for 2 years but yesterday I played some games on it and realised that gaming on it is somewaht better than on PC!!!
I can push this one till August.Can't I?
BTW Are the new Xbox 360s RRoD-Proof?I don't wanna spend 20K or so just to see those red jalebis:mad:
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A Year Closer To Heaven
Even legit Xbox 360 consoles are prone to RRODs. You can only escape a RROD if you are very lucky and take good care of your console, strictly in that order. All my friends who have a legit console have been through a couple of RRODs. I have been lucky.


Caballero de Real Madrid
see the thing is most RROD's reported are on modded console..
Legit consoles have a very little chance of gettin RROD .i also have a NTSC console , unmodded and it was purchased when MS launhed 360.i never had a problem.

Please stop this wrong news flash.....

MODDING HAS nothing to do with RROD...

Just do a google dear..read up some articles..its 360's inherent architecture failure...its overheating issue....

can u please imagine how a firmware flash can do that?? on cotrae....by firmware flash we can limit the disc spin speed and reduce the heat..u know that???? ;)

How much does Xbox 360 Elite cost?

I place my Xbox 360 horizontally whereas it should be placed vertically.Might this be causing problems?I can't fix it now.All I can do is buy a new one.I rarely played on my XBox 360.It was like a piece of junk for 2 years but yesterday I played some games on it and realised that gaming on it is somewaht better than on PC!!!
I can push this one till August.Can't I?
BTW Are the new Xbox 360s RRoD-Proof?I don't wanna spend 20K or so just to see those red jalebis:mad:

1. U can fix it...for abt 5k max...or somepeople ar doing it for 3k too...

2. If u want future proof and a good product gor for ps3.....most games are mutli platform..and the 360 exclusive ..will mostly come to PC.....so ur set
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Wise Old Owl
c'mon. the places u get a new firmware from has a million links stating the same.rrod is related to modding one way or the other.i've gone through it.any scene forums u go through will tell the same.i think thats where everything starts from and they know better.yea it occurs in legit consoles but u get a new one.ps3-future proof?how?


Caballero de Real Madrid


Show me one....They say Modding voids ur waaranty..not cause RROD...Please dude read it well...


U have NOT gone through any..for sure...
I went through it a 20 times..i KNOW what i am talking...

I can quote virtually a million places that says this....

U think that wher it starts?then u need to Re-Think dear friend...

Ps3-future proof....well you can use it very well for about 5 years without any hardware issue...coz SOD issue was baout 5%..and now nil...

and check the new announcements..lots PS3 esclusives...and 360 excluisive have the chance of coming to PC...so ps3 is better future proof than X360..not mentioning M$'s startegy of bringing new SKU' with Blu-Ray... Rumour that is..but guess..how will ya feel it happend....u bought 360..a crappy one for the same money...:)


Wise Old Owl
Sure.will provide the links to u. Everyone would agree that modding has a role in rrod .u read the firmware manual i think :lol:

ps3 exclusives this year-how many?2?3?ok 4? :lol:

in my opinion ps3=crappy
ps2 rules no doubt-thats what u call future proof.


Caballero de Real Madrid

ur a being ignorant.....

Provide the links or talk to the hand fella...

Ps3 is crappy...and 360 is great....well clearly u cannot be sane..and in that case....

I say ur 100% right..ok....

For others please go through for the "4" exclusive PS3 list



No one but u agree that moddin is in hand with RROD.....please say why do legit ones RROd.... i dont read the firmware manual.....

Ps3..exclusive..use GOOGLE......

Ps3 crappy..and then 360 atleast good....

ya u need medical help...pronto....
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Wise Old Owl

Source- xbox s***e

so u getting a Ps3 right ?thats what this is all about?
AND the link u gave they are f****** all titlles in progress..are they exclusives? how many are exclusives?how many will release in 2008 ? how many can pwn a console be it a PS2 or a wii ?

who needs a doc now ? clearly, u.


Caballero de Real Madrid

What the heck is that??? ..thats a BAD flash.....bricked drive...its a update from live gone awry after flashing....ppl are that much stupid..flash it with hacked firmware and then update it from M$.....

one qn....WHERE IS RROD?????

I am not getting a ps3..i have it already..months ago...and 360 too....

They may be f**** for you..but games have to be devoloped its a big process.....just to let ya know...its not start....play....

U dont need a doc..thats clear...u need asylum....


Wise Old Owl
legit ones rrod-yea.when did i deny that.but u get a replacement don't u?ya i'm aware of its causes and MS has 10-16 % failure rate with these.i don't see every console dying.

@sunny elite console available with lynx india.

they are Rrod codes pal.thats rrod.read the full post no that page.
And thats not the flash u talking about.its dvd flash.problem with firmware flash.what the hell do u think is that ? if u still have doubts pm the guy who wrote this article on that page.Its Not Bricking Due To MS update.or it might be that the guy who wrote that RRod thread is a retard who cant distinguish RROD and Bricking :lol:

hope this ends this meaningless war.i do own a PS3 btw.a 40gb one.
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Caballero de Real Madrid
legit ones rrod-yea.when did i deny that.but u get a replacement don't u?ya i'm aware of its causes and MS has 10-16 % failure rate with these.i don't see every console dying.

@sunny elite console available with lynx india.

they are Rrod codes pal.thats rrod.read the full post no that page.
And thats not the flash u talking about.its dvd flash.problem with firmware flash.what the hell do u think is that ? if u still have doubts pm the guy who wrote this article on that page.Its Not Bricking Due To MS update.

MS have a 33%..failure rate...check..with M$ itself....

Those are RROD codes alright..it happened due to bricked firmware....that one code can ONLY happen if u r careless during falshing..its what we call a bricked drive....

The main codes for RROD are more than 90% RROD are OVERHEATING..... its that 0020 os somethings like that....

I dont need to PM him....coz i have PMed Textbook himself.....


RROD in general is a alert mechanism.....only the correct code means what happened...

90% of the times ITS over heating....

sorry to burst ur bubble....


Wise Old Owl
There r 2 codes given for dvd drives.bricking is nowhere here man..assuming that one of them is bricking,what do u conclude of the other?

Edit-those RROD codes are cured by those hardware fixes.if it were bricking he'd have mentioned it when if mentioned all possible methods to revive a console that got any RROD code that he mentioned.
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Caballero de Real Madrid
There r 2 codes given for dvd drives.bricking is nowhere here man..assuming that one of them is bricking,what do u conclude of the other?

Edit-those RROD codes are cured by those hardware fixes.if it were bricking he'd have mentioned it when if mentioned all possible methods to revive a console that got any RROD code that he mentioned.

Dude let me get this straight..clearly u dont have much knowledge in this...Please atleast read the entire RROD issue from several places and then post..will ya..it would be simple....

1.Learn what RROD is
2.ROD Codes...
3.Common RODs....

I have no idea what u pasted..so i cant answer it.....

Please do thinkwhat ur arguing about and what ur posting..they are all different things....

Modding is in no way causes rrod..only when u play all those pirated discs and the thing overheats....and please dont even think of starting on PS3 being crappy...Please


Wise Old Owl
i'll pm u the link when i turn on my pc.read it.its an exclusive RROD thread and its cure.i'm not talking about PS3 's build being crappy but exclusive games are very few.its a mere blu ray player.thats what i use it for besides playing uncharted.x360 is more vfm for now and for this year.half of 2008 is over and i'm yet to get games in stores in chandigarh that are exclusive for PS3 :|
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