Richard Gere's Kiss to Shilpa Shetty issue blown out of proportions?

What do you think about the Kiss issue?

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The Lord of Death
ancientrites said:
i can assure all of you if sonia ghandhi government rules for next 20 years term.she will convert india into europe.i love it
Either this is overly sarcastic, or you're the worst kind of a fool I've ever come across.


karnivore said:
But if someone chooses to publicly display affection, do we have the right to vilify him/her, the way it is being done. Everybody is entitled to his/her opinion and is free to criticize, but dragging them to court, pooh-poohing them in the name of "culture" - do u really think its a sign of a matured nation.

That's were the awareness comes in. Now seeing this media hype, atleast some people get educated how to behave in Indian soil. Many will think twice before attempting such things unless untill one doesn't want to do it intentionally to capture media attention and popularity. Public display of such acts is nuisance. I personally have a bad experience in taking kids to places like Marine Drive in Mumbai or Lalbagh in Bangalore. What not to see in these places? Couples doing all the private things in public. To display to whom? Childrens are the worst hit. I feel embarrassed Kids glaring at these couples and asking questions. And don't tell not to take Kids to these places. Lalbagh and Marine Drive are not any dance bars. And if I don't want to take them to such places, I will have no other option than to lock them in a room. That's why we the people should be educated.

I agree that culture changes with time. But that doesn't mean that we ignore the current values and traditions. Follow it now and let it take it's own sweet time to change. Traditions are made to respect and that's how it should be.

ancientrites said:
richard gere kissed shilpa shetty SO see lots of heavy smooches in bollywood movies.why dont we blame bollywood for ruining indian culture.Just look at current actor like imran hashmi,dino moreaand the director vikram bhat,and need i say actress all know who i refer to.
indian culture is doomed.No use of maintaining indian culture.i can assure all of you if sonia ghandhi government rules for next 20 years term.she will convert india into europe.i love it

Our hero's are doing all those things are in a movie. A movie is censored and accordingly given a rating. The discussion going on here is about public display. You need to understand the current scenario and post comments.
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In the zone
i think indian culture was very much in his mind when he was kissing shilpa thats why he just kissed her cheeks! no frenck kiss :)
and i think we guys r over reacting since shilpa her self enjoyed that movement look at her face :)
other wise she may have filed case against him!
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mera kutch nahi ho sakta
This whole issue exists solely because of the Indian cricket team.
If they would have qualified for the finals or even to the semi-finals , then the media wouldn't have to resort to all this to get some TRP.


In the zone
Yamaraj said:
Either this is overly sarcastic, or you're the worst kind of a fool I've ever come across.

Hahaha i knew somebody would quote on my last lines.anyways i am sorry its just that speaking of culture something struck on my head and that was italian blood governing this country.surely she must have some sort of target to this nation CULTURE despite being indian.

Kiran_tech_mania said:
Our hero's are doing all those things are in a movie. A movie is censored and accordingly given a rating. The discussion going on here is about public display. You need to understand the current scenario and post comments.

hold on there censored and rating are you trying to say kids wont watch those movies.Todays kids are much clever and they know what they are seeing.i am sure many kids have watched the richard kiss on news channel and have taken it lightly.that also goes to people.

its MEDIA making it flash on the front page.By the way richard kiss is old now almost 75% people have forgotten about it.Even i had forgotten about it until i saw a thread over hear.

i enjoyed that kiss,richard and shipa enjoyed it.some of you or almost all of you enjoyed it.So closed this thread.:)
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chesss said:
This whole issue exists solely because of the Indian cricket team.
If they would have qualified for the finals or even to the semi-finals , then the media wouldn't have to resort to all this to get some TRP.

Lol! :D This issue tied up with poor Indian Cricket team... Spare some place for our players to hide. :grin:


Some of you guys are just overreacting here, we are not those boys of 1940's ,things are different now, don't you think we should have change our view too, so you guys think we should never change our view ? this is how our india gets down internationally,

And if you really want to save our culture than why don't you stop those media people, people in india would never came to know what gare did to shilpa. if we really want to save our culture thn why don't our BABUS stop this media people ? why they allow them to broadcast such things ?

And still i would say there is nothing wrong with gare's and shilpa kiss. and i have been to many gardens where youngster do all those things which they are not supposed to do in public (if you think at culture's point of view ).
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virus_killer said:
Some of you guys are just overreacting here, we are not those boys of 1940's ,things are different now, don't you think we should have change our view too, so you guys think we should never change our view ? this is how our india gets down internationally,

And if you really want to save our culture than why don't you stop those media people, people in india would never came to know what gare did to shilpa. if we really want to save our culture thn why don't our BABUS stop this media people ? why they allow them to broadcast such things ?

And still i would say there is nothing wrong with gare's and shilpa kiss. and i have been to many gardens where youngster do all those things which they are not supposed to do in public (if you think at culture's point of view ).

You are not the one to decide who is overacting here. All fingers aren't same size and similarly the individual views too. Just share your comments in a sensible way rather than giving lame statements.


Kiran_tech_mania said:
You are not the one to decide who is overacting here. .

Yes, you are right and i apologies for that but i am not deciding here, i am just trying to tell you all guys what i think about this issue :D


virus_killer said:
Yes, you are right and i apologies for that but i am not deciding here, i am just trying to tell you all guys what i think about this issue :D

It's ok bro. I was telling you to give your comments but not to raise fingers at others. That's it. No hard feelings. :)


And what bout this new issue of Mandira Bedi wearing a saree in which the Indian flag was below her knee. Shiv Sena burned her effigies. What a mess!!!


Indyan said:
Those monkeys burn effigies for anything and everything except for matters with real importance like corrupt politicians.
Yea. In today newspaper a new delhi a 23 years old girl was raped by two salesman. What will happen tomrrow is a question. It will come in paper today tomorrow it is forgotten. While this incident will keep on going and going. Shilpa shetty said this is alright so why is this problem with people?. My question will the 23 years old girl will receive justice or not?.


Ambassador of Buzz
It was like tom and jerry show. First tom kisses jerry. then he smacks his tougue and thinks its a tasty meal...then licks it...indeed a tasty meal...then swallows the mice...and digests it....


in your face..

Public display of such acts is nuisance. I personally have a bad experience in taking kids to places like Marine Drive in Mumbai or Lalbagh in Bangalore.......I feel embarrassed Kids glaring at these couples and asking questions.

I understand that u r talking from a parent's point of view. Ur concern is pretty valid and i can't disagree on that, when even i get those pesky questions thrown at me by my nephews and nieces.

There is a huge element of embarrassment and uneasiness associated with public display. Agreed.

But then, going by your logic, which is defining the terms of civility in terms of kids, there are so many pertinent matters, other than public display, or perhaps within the realms of public display, that can't be allowed, and i am not even talking of "sex education", Bollywood, Hollywood or trash on TV.

Sample this:

1. There should not be any Aids awareness debate on any public platform,like TV, which our kids are exposed to. Because it will lead to discussions relating to safe "sex", use of "contraceptives", use of "condoms" and a huge probability of our kids asking us all sorts of embarrassing questions.

2. A company should not advertise any of the feminine products or contraceptives or condoms on TV, because, again the kids will ask questions, which, will leave us with nothing to hide our face with.

3. News channels can't report on rapes and other sexual atrocities against women, neither can they discuss these issues, because, once again, kids might ask embarrassing questions.

4. The beautiful temples at Khajurao and Konark should be demolished because, explicit sexual postures have been used as various metaphors and is enough to raise a question or two from our little ones.

Perhaps these examples have no direct relation to Shilpa-Gere incidence, but the point i am trying to make is that parameters of a modern civil society, though very much inclusive of kids, does not depend on their reactions, but on our understanding of “acceptability". Although a certain level of protection for the kids is an absolute necessity, the question is "how" and "for how long". And it is this question that even the most modern and open minded societies' of Europe are finding hard to answer.

In the day and age of internet, when our kids are just one click away from bottomless perversion, do we help them to learn the rights from wrong, good from bad and make choices through a process of "understanding" or through a process of forceful top-down approach, which runs the risk of giving them a truncated, often perverted, hand-me-downs ?

What not to see in these places? Couples doing all the private things in public

Agreed. I am obviously not talking of this kind of display. I am talking of display of love/liking, not display of foreplay. If anybody tells me, like that kid in the judge's chair in Jaipur,that Gere's act was one of sexual stimulation, well, i will be tempted to put a question mark on his maturity.

To display to whom?

To ur beloved, of course. If i like someone, or love, why can't i show her my affection in public place, of course, if she does not find it offensive.

But that doesn't mean that we ignore the current values and traditions. Follow it now and let it take it's own sweet time to change. Traditions are made to respect and that's how it should be

U have got to be kidding me. Seems like a quote from "Mien Kampf". If Rammohan Roy decided that in time the "tradition" of "Sati" will die a natural death, then perhaps ,it would have by now, but only after claiming millions of widows. Same with “child marriage”, “multiple marriages” etc. And how will it "change", if instead of attempting to change it, follow it blindfolded ? Perhaps through divine intervention.

That's were the awareness comes in. Now seeing this media hype, at least some people get educated how to behave in Indian soil. Many will think twice before attempting such things....

There will be lessons learnt, all right, but whether its about - "how to behave in Indian soil", a soil that breeds halfwits by hordes, or "why, not to take Indians seriously, Indians, who are nothing but a bunch of bigots, that spend half their energy, time and resource to criminalize a kisser, with a we-have-solved-all-our-problems-and-this-is-the-only-preblem-left attitude" - is something that remains to be seen.

The bottom line is, Shilpa-Gere issue doesn't even merit a second look, but here we are, issuing arrest warrents, because a horny judge can't control his gigantic libido, burning their effigies and posters, because, media has splashed Bunta's face, so Santa has to make an appearance on TV, and we are debating this on this forum, of course, because we all love this forum.

And i wonder why i have wasted 10 min to write this post.

We really need to grow up.
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