Redloft and desktop.ini Virus

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Udaya Maurya

I have just come to know that desktop.ini may be a virus-infected file if it has it's end-parameters all "negative". Is it true? For e.g. this is the content of my desktop.ini file:

has an end parameter -ve, i.e. -12690. This happens when it is infected by some Redloft virus, otherwise by default it is a positive value. Is it true, because I'm a lot sure that my comp is not infected.

OS: Windows XP/Vista.


Wandering In Tecno Land
Dude make a scan after updating ur AV
If there gonna be such VIrus they can't do much :D

Udaya Maurya

Dude make a scan after updating ur AV
If there gonna be such VIrus they can't do much :D
Well that's not the case. My updated Kaspersky Antivirus couldn't detect it. That's not a virus-removal query, but an info-query. I want to know whether Redloft does so or not as I stated in my question.
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