Reconnect feature in Jdownloader for BSNL broadband


In the zone

I recently downloaded JDownloader for downloading from RS. But clicking the Reconnect icon in toolbar gives the error, "Reconnect failed. Please try manual reconnect". :(

In the reconnection settings, there is an entry for Router's IP. and the rest(User,pwd, Reconnection script) are blank.

I having BSNL dataone broadband connection in Bangalore. I connect to internet just by turning on the modem and no user name and password is required. How can i allow Reconnection feature in JDownloader. Badly in need of this.

Thanks in advance.
How can you connect Broadband w/o "Username/password" . I noe that everytime you dont need to type, but while configuring DSL or wifi for the first time, you have to use it to save all settings. What OS you are using ? Why do you want to use reconnect feature ? Any problem with BSNL ? :)D What the hell m asking :D)


You need to put a reconnection script for your router in the reconnection page of JDownloader. This script is different for different router(modem) models.

Post your queries for the reconnection script in the reconnect section of the official JDownloader forum at JD Community - Powered by vBulletin
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