Reboot failure

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Ambassador of Buzz
Hello, recently my comp has started not to reboot (really). On issuing the reboot command, it terminates all the applications & comes to windows is shuuting down, & then the screen goes blank.... with the CPU light still on & nothing happens until i have to turn off the power supply. I made two changes to my system before this happened:..
1. REplacing tcpip.sys to change max. tcp settings
2. Setting activate time for auto start in BIOS settings.
Are these responsible for the change?

Choto Cheeta

yrana2002 said:
1. REplacing tcpip.sys to change max. tcp settings

for this u may use this command, Start > RUN > sfc /scannow

& for rebooting issue... cant give u exact idea... but u may take a look at this...


though not exactlly ur problem.. but still can try that...
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