Re:W810i - Please help !!

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Hi all ..

I have a W810i since a month and I am still learning. I must accept it is a wonderful phone. Though few nit-pricks bother me and would appreciate your help and comments....

1. I use the Organizer quite a lot and most of all the Task Reminders. I find the reminder Alert to be very short and not loud enough, with the result I miss most of them. Can you suggest how I can personalize it. I do not find any way to do it on the fone. There is only the default one.

2. I find the software provided with the fone not good enough. I downloaded a MyPhoneExplorer. But with this I get a message "Unable to Identify the Phone" I've tried various things including Uninstal & ReInstal, but no success !!

3. Keypad Locking.. I find the time for Automatic locking to be too short. Can this be personalized as in Nokia..

Best regards
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Cyborg Agent
Re: W810i - Please help !!

2. I find the software provided with the fone not good enough. I downloaded a MyPhoneExplorer. But with this I get a message "Unable to Identify the Phone" I've tried various things including Uninstal & ReInstal, but no success !!

I faced that issue myself. The solution is the COM port which is used. There are several options there. My W800i works on COM5. So setting it to that works just fine. Also there is an open source software called Float's Mobile Agent. That works just fine as well.


Re: W810i - Please help !!

Thanks icecoolz for your prompt reply... when I click on the Options of
MyPhoneExplorer it shows only COM1 & COM2. I've tried clicking on both but no luck... before I download FMA I would love to have some more feedback on MPE

ssdivision... well I bought W810i when it was launched in India, paid 19000/- I believe it is now selleng for 14K or less..
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