RAMs need more voltage than before for stable overclock

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Broken In
Hi everyone,

I am having a problem with my system again. Since I purchased the RAMs on November 2013, I overclocked it to 1866 MHz 9-10-9-24 @ 1.6625V and it was stable. However, recently I have been having some instability issues which I was sure related to the memory. I cleaned the system entirely but it didn't improve. But increasing the memory voltage to 1.675V did the job. Now there's an important note:

My RAMs are good with other processors(FX 8350) even at 2000 MHz 10-11-10-30 and is stable at 1.65V even at that high frequency. But because of IMC limitation in my Phenom II CPU, it won't go over 1896 MHz and for some reason, the RAMs need more voltage to become stable.

My question is why do I require the extra voltage to make it stable now? Is it because of the RAMs or the CPU IMC is failing? Any help would be appreciated. The CPU still has a month of warranty left. The motherboard is fine. I confirmed RAM voltages with a friend of mine having the same board and we have got same values.

The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
Did you try testing it if its memtest stable with default settings on the memory kit? Mention which kits and which motherboard(s) you've paired with the kit.


laborare est orare
Running Ram at that much higher voltage for long time might damage it. There is no point of running it on that much speed, Phenom II memory controller is not good enough to benefit for it. Run it at 1.6V at max with whatever speed you can achieve.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Did you try that FX 8350 on the same motherboard ? If yes, then my hunch is cpu IMC is getting weaker.


Broken In
Hi sorry for this very late reply, exams came and went between and a lot happened with the computer as well. It was occurring due to heat and later on I found out CPU temp went higher than 68 degree C at stock freq while running IBT. Since using new CM thermal fusion 400 thermal compound did not fix it, I tested the CPU with another stock cooler from AMD and it was fine. Emailed AMD support and they issued a RMA for my entire PIB(Processor in Box). That was not all. I asked them what replacement they were going to give me since Phenom IIs are long out of production. I added that since theoretically, the FX 4xxx series should be the equivalent replacement if the Phenom II is not available, I will not do the RMA but rather buy an aftermarket cooler which I was gonna do sooner or later anyway. So AMD contacted me and told me that they had Phenom II X4 980BE in stock and can replace my 955 with it. I submitted my CPU to Accel Frontline services at Rowdon street. It was not even 5 days that I received a brand new sealed Phenom II X4 980BE direct to my doorstep. Kudos to AMD for the awesome service support. The RAMs have no problem now and up to 1866 MHz 9-10-9-27, it is stable now. I even tested an AMD FX 8120 and 8350 on my board and with both chips, pushed my RAMs to 2133 MHz 11-12-11-30 1T 24/7 stable. :)
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