Dipen01 said:
~Phenom~ said:
well after listening to so much hype about virtualdubmod, i tried it .
But I cudnt use it because I cudnt understand how to start the process , it is not at all user friendly.
Am I a dumb or is it not for the beginners????
Agreed :roll: Even i am not comfirtable with Virtual Dub... Even that Doom 9 Guides didnt help much.... Someone expert in Video Encoding from Forum shuld post a neat guide....i guess...
Anyways..as for now...AVS Video Converter rocks... would love to try Virtual Dub though
well i could get u started
2 encode a *.mpg file into a *.avi file using a suitable codec, u must open it in VirtualDub mod. 2 do so press ctrl+O which opens up a window from where you can select the path where d *.mpg file is located.
once it has been done and d file is loded in VirtualDub mod yu will have to slect the codec u may want to use for compression. 2 do so press ctrl+p 2 open up the compression codec selection dialog box [btw, to see any signifcant list of compression codecs u must have installed a code pack lke K-ite mega codec Pack whose link i've give @ d end]. from d left dialog box u may select a suitable codec [i've been playing arund wid d x264 codec 4 d past couple of dayz & its been givng me kik azz results]. once u've selcted d codec & highlighting it by clicking on it, u may want 2 configure it. u may do so by clicking on the cofigure button [btw plz note down d restrctions d selected codec may posses. it is listed in a box just above the 'confiure button']. it wll open up a new window where u cn paly around with d codec settings [if u using x264, try encoding it @400 kbps. it will give u VCD quality results].
once u cnfigd d vdeo compression codec, u may want to select a suitable cmpression codec 4 compressing audio. 2 do so click on d "stream" tab in d VirtualDub menu bar and select d Stream list option. it will open up a window dat will will list out all the audio streams present in the *.mpg file. right click on it. select d "full...." option [dun remember d exact wording]. once dis is dun, right click on d audio stream again & dis time u will c dat a "compression" option has now been activated. click on it to open up a window listing out all d audio compression codecs availabe on ur computer. i prefer using d "Lame mp3" option @ 128 kbps CBR stereo 44KHz [people say dat DivX WMA2 Audio @64kbps is equally gud, but me facing some issues right now].
once u dun with dis, u all ready to start encoding it [u may also apply tunz of filter to optimise d file, sumthing 'm still fiddling wd right now]. 2 do so press F7 to open up d dialog bx where u can specfy the loacation where u may want to save it. if u may even batch process multiple files y selecting d option "add to job ctrl" in d same wndow [dun remember d exact wording]. once dis is dun d encodng process will begin.
i've just found out hw do do a "Multipass" encoding
heres d link. although d steps given 4 DivX, d same procedure applies 4 all codecs supprting "Multipass" Encoding
also if a file u've slected 4 encoding is shown only upto d point where d file starts getting pixelled u may want to select dis option while opening d file in VirtualDub Mod
Use AviSynth template [select d Direct show template]
(note u will get dis option ony in VirtualDub Mod & not VirtualDub [at least it still hasn't been included till their latest version], so i suggest u use VirtualDub Mod and not VirtualDub)
however 4 dis 2 be effective u will have to install d "Avisynth plugin 2.5".
i dun no d link 4 d standalone program, but u can install it along with Gordian Knot [u may uninstall gordian knot after dat, but d Avisynth plugin remains as it has a seperate uninstaller]
i culdn't include screenshots as i'm usng a computer where VirtualDub mod is not installed. however if people had trouble followng dis instruction, imay edit it & include screenshots 4 easy reference
As 4 sum oder operations dat can b performed in VirtualDub u may refer dis link
Toolz of trade
k-lite mega codec pack
gordian knot
VirtualDub mod