Query:Compaq Presario V3425AU?

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Right off the assembly line
revesenker said:
I have a Compaq Presario V3424AU Notebook.

It had MS Vista preconfigured. I installed MS XP Professional and my laptop does not show any drivers installed

I am unable to find a single driver for my notebook.

I checked this link

but here there is no suitable driver for audio , display , lan etc...

Please help !!!!:mad:

This was the problem !!!
@narangz &@revesenker
Please tell which driver to be downloaded from the link U provided.

ALL or... ?

I hav too many other devices found in device manager.
such as Base system device,coprocessor,network controller,PCI bridge,SM bus controller....

also facing problem with installing Sound driver. It said there no Media device detected.

One more thing i hav formatted vista then can i reinstalled it using Recovery discs?

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Web developer
which model do have mate? you need to download all the drivers on the hp link i gave in some previous post. the devices you wrote above have the drivers in nforce installer given there. each & everything works fine for me. as far as IR is concerned its just for consumer IR devices such as compatible remote controllers. it does not support any data transfer.

ps- you need directx 9c for sound to work properly


Web developer
well buddy i first installed xp & then used partition magic to partition the hard drive. I dont have vista installed now. However you do not need any application for partioning in windows vista. You can create a new partition with already given tool in Vista! Check the link below & see the pictures which will help you to understand the whole procedure:

Vista inbuilt partitioning using Disk Management Console
If i installed XP after making partition then is there any prob. to vista to boot?

I want both XP and Vista installed.
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Google Bot
^^ If u install Xp after installing vista you ll have to repair vista again to create a dual boot..


Ambassador of Buzz
Here is How I went about it:

1.Must have a Vista Bootable DVD ( Either a Vista Home /Basic / Ultimate DVD , Bootable )
2. Easy BCD ( Freeware used to edit Vista's Boot loader )
3. Windows XP Installation CD
4. Paragon Partition Manager
( Or u can use Vista's inbuilt Partition Shrinker )

thats about it.


Use Paragon Partition Manager to create a Free NTFS Partition.
Install XP into that partition.
Now u will boot only into XP , vista bootloader has been overwritten.
Slip in ur vista bootable dvd.
restart pc , boot using vista dvd
Select Repair.
then go on to repair the boot.
remove vista dvd
Now u can boot into Vista, but XP's option is no more.
Install the easy bcd software
using easy bcd u can rewrite vista's boot loader so that u can now have a boot menu ... both with Vista and XP.
Restart and u r done.

I have done this way .and it rocks.

Detail guide inspiration from *apcmag.com/5485/dualbooting_vista_and_xp

thought I did not follow them step by step , i got the idea from there....

I hate to type the whole stuff I did , hence providing the link so that u can get the rough idea.
if u r having problems. i am here.


Right off the assembly line
Hi Guys,

I bought my V3425AU yesterday. Everything working absolutely fine and has a Consumer IR. NOw interesting thing is my friend has bought DV2401TU and has an Consumer IR, interestingly DV2401TU came with a IR remote control which can controll some functions of ur notebook like switching ON DVD player and its controls, Vol +/-, power point controlls, shutting down/hybernating the notebook and some more features which you'd like to have in the remote.

When I tried the same remote on V3425AU, Bang; averything works the same. u can operate ur DVD plyr / hybernate and all other features which DV2401 offers thru their remote. I chked with HP/compaq guys they said 3435 dsnt come with the remote and HP is not selling it separately :(

Guys can someone please tell me where I can find this remote. I'd like to have it especially when I have seen it working. A good accessory to flash!!


Right off the assembly line
Checked up with HP guys, remote dsnt come with V3425AU. Wanted to know if I can buy it separately?


Web developer
yes you can depending upon the availabilty here in india. if you find it somewhere do tell us from where you got it & for how many bucks


Right off the assembly line
Sure buddy! the only issue is I am not getting it at all. Even the retailers say that they havent hrd of HP/Compaq remotes being sold sepatately.


Right off the assembly line
narangz said:
@hackers- Thanks for the suggestion buddy but I already bought the V3425AU. Thanks!

@Thor- I am going to install XP Pro SP2. Will Let you know if everything works out fine :)

Okay guys :D I have installed Windows XP Pro SP2 on my laptop. Installed all the drivers & all the devices are working fine(till now ;) ) There is no unknown device in Device Manager.

Thor get all the official drivers you need for your V3425AU for XP from here:


These drivers were originally for another model V3116AU. But everything works fine :)

You can find the newer NVIDIA Go 6150 Drivers here

Well now I plan to create a partition using Partition Magic. Didn't use fdisk cause it will delete the recovery partition too.

hy narangz! tx 4 d info. i followed ur suggestion but, doesn't work for me :(. i downloaded sp32646 n tried 2 install but, the installation process starts fine but abruptly stops. the sp32646.exe does extract and has disk1 directory (has 11 files in it) and SP32646.CVA file. i GUESS there's no prob with the downloade file sp32646.exe size - 36356 kb. but, wonder why the installation stops abruptly.

btw, i have a clean installation of xp professional on v3424au

narangz n others : pls help.

tx in adv,


Right off the assembly line
tat was prety quick! tx 4 d ame. n i must b sory 4 not providing d description of d file.

wel, i want 2 instal sound/audio drivers so, downloaded sp34386.exe *h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=ob-46062-1&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=3252135&os=228〈=en
DESC - Conexant High Definition Audio Driver (for AMD)
PREREQUISITE - SoftPaq Number SP32646, "Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) Bus Driver for High Definition Audio," (or later) must be installed on the notebook before installing this SoftPaq. Look for SP32646 (or later).
as u can c frm prerequisite, sp32646.exe
is a prerequisite for sp34386.exe
[desc:This package contains the Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) Bus Driver for High Definition Audio in the listed operating systems. For more information about this driver, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 888111, "Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) High Definition Audio class driver version 1.0a available for Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, and Microsoft Windows 2000."]

pls corect me if my selection 4 audio drivers is incorect.

after installing xp professional (visata basic was preconfigured) on my v3424au, the display is not as gud as it was 4 vista. for instance, wen d web page is scroled up/down, d system is taking time to dispaly. though its split of a second but, it was smooth in vista. if im not asking 4 too much, pls help in solving this prob also.


Web developer
you need directx 9c before installing the drivers(SP2 preffered).

after installing directx 9c and or SP2:
1. Install Nvidia NFORCE drivers listed on the HP download page
2. Install Nvidia 6150 Go Graphics driver
3. Install Microsoft UAA Update
4. Now you can install audio drivers or any other drivers in any sequence

as far as display is concerned you need to install graphics drivers first & set the resolution to 1280*800 & 32 bit color depth. After that I hope you wont face any scrolling problems...

I am using XP Pro with SP2+ all the latest updates on my lappy without any problem

Good Luck!!!


Right off the assembly line
thank u very much narangz! u rok!!!
u know wat! i directly instaled sp34386.exe ignoring prerequisite SP32646.exe and it worked! jst cant imagine tat. nyhow, wil folow ur sugestion 2 b on safe side 4 other drivers ;)

wish u gud time.

tx again,


Ambassador of Buzz
Alright , I have a Fuji FinePix A350 5.2 MP cam , which has a XD Picture mem card. Laptop has the card reader slot , and Vista is nicely reading it. XP Fails to do so. Guess drivers required again huh ? So can anybody help out here ?

Thx a load! This thread sure is a life saver ! Hint Hint: Narangz buddy! :p :D
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