Not any game breaking bug, but some minor ones along with some other points:
1. Already pointed out by many online reviews, fps sometimes dips for a very brief duration, from the steady upwards 60 fps I get on my RX 480. It's not a major flaw, but is noticeable, tho it happens far between.
2. The player tends to stuck at certain positions, like when jumped in between wall and some other stuff. Hard to explain, will post a screenshot or gif. It does get out tho, but is funny as hell rather than a bug.
3. Some long scenes (like walking to a certain place, slowly) needs to be re-done, if you fail a mission, but that's your fault for not being good at game.

4. Game decides for you if at a certain location you can't jump, or can't run (can only slow walk), which can be seen restricting to some.
5. You can't melee, so you have to use gun if you want to survive.
Other than above I didn't have any issues with the game 'so far'.