PS3 Discussion Thread

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New thread for general PS3 discussion i find now many member got the power machine having some technical and other issue so we discuss here.


Current PS3 Models

The 80gb PS3 with PS2 backwards compatability has recently been discontinued in America and replaced with a non-backwards compatible 80gb model. A 160gb model will be launched in November.

The 40gb PS3 has recently been discontinued in Europe and replaced with an 80gb model. A 160gb model will be launched in October.

Backwards Compatability

The ability to play PS2 games on the PS3 is being phased out by Sony and as such newer PS3's will no longer be backwards compatible. All PS3s however can play PS1 games perfectly. The NTSC region 20GB and 60GB consoles have both the Emotion Engine (the Playstation 2 CPU) and Graphics Synthesizer (the Playstation 2 GPU), yielding the highest backwards compatibility rate (around 98%). The PAL region 60GB and NTSC 80GB consoles do not have the Emotion Engine, but they do have the Graphics Synthesizer, yielding a good backwards compatibility rate, but not as good as the EE + GS consoles (above 90%). The 40GB PS3's (PAL and NTSC) do not include either of these chips. If you'd like to know what PS2/PS1 games work on your PS3, click on the links below in your respective area to find this out:

North American PS3's
European Union PS3's
Japanese PS3's

Compatibility is generally excellent with only a few exceptions, and improves with nearly every firmware update. Also, even the most minor of glitches can remove the game from the above lists, so Google it or ask if you see a title missing.

For More information on the various PS3 models that have been released, please see the chart below:



The Official PS3 Headset

This headset will be offered in one retail version of SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation this October, as well as a standalone peripheral this fall. It features a prominent Mute button and a Charging Cradle. It will work with not only your PS3 but with Bluetooth enabled cell phones. This is not your only option for a PS3 headset however, there is a huge selection of bluetooth headsets that work with the PS3 aswell as a wide selection of USB headsets also. As for this official one however:

* The headset will feature “High-Quality (HQ) mode” with PS3. In this mode, the headset will take advantage of advanced voice technologies and noise cancellation techniques to provide clear and wideband voice input to the PS3. The HQ mode will ensure a much better voice chat quality on the PS3.
* HQ mode will also enable accurate speech recognition required to support or enhance ‘Voice Command’ and ‘Voice Animation’ features. Voice Command was originally used in SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs for PS2 to administer the AI-controlled teammates using the WHO, WHAT, and WHERE format (example: Bravo, Attack, Nav Point Zulu). Voice Animation refers to the in-game character mimicking you during voice chat. With HQ mode, these features can be enabled on a much larger vocabulary in select PS3 games.
* PS3 will display an in-game status indicator exclusively for this headset that will show the headset’s connection status, battery charge level, speaker volume level and microphone mute status.
* Tired of wearing the headset during a long multiplayer gaming session or is your headset battery running out of charge? Just dock the headset in the supplied charging cradle, and the headset will work as a desktop microphone while charging.
* Last but not least, the headset will automatically pair with the PS3 by connecting with a USB cable.

The Playstation Eye

The Playstation Eye is the successor to the Eyetoy for the PS2. It's a much higher quality camera complete with microphone for use in videochat, as an in-game microphone or with a variety of software for the PS3. It originally came bundled with the game Eye Of Judgement which made use of it's motion sensing capabilities and has since gone on to support games such as Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Burnout Paradise, with upcoming support for games such as Little Big Planet if you wish to upload your own art assets to the game for use in user-created levels. You can also use it with the free downloadable program EyeCreate to record and edit your own movies, and with upcoming titles such as EyePet.

Play TV

Currently slated for release in Europe and Australia only, Play TV is a twin-channel DVB-T tuner peripheral with digital video recorder software which allows users to watch and record television programmes to the hard drive of a PlayStation 3 console for later viewing. Other handy functions are the ability to use it for recording TV whilst playing games and functionality with Remote Play for syncing with your PSP to view either Live/Recorded TV. To find out more about it go Here.

Frag FX


Designed for people who would like mouse aiming in games. It can be used with ANY PS3 game at all, and has fully customizable firmware, allowing you to tweak sensitivity and button mappings to your liking. The build quality is solid, and many goons swear by it. The elitist COD4 top scorers love it too if that means something to you.

Gaming with other Goons

Visit the PS3 Goon go straight to the site.



Before you try to ask how to do ANYTHING in the XMB, press Triangle. I'm dead serious. 95% of questions can be answered by simply pressing Triangle and playing around with the menus. If you've already tried pressing Triangle to try and solve your XMB dilemma.

Blu-ray Playback?
If you're interested in watching HD movies on Blu-ray, the PS3 (any version) is currently the best value for your money. Priced similarly to other comparable players it offers an internal hard drive for data storage, and internet connection for BD-Live, and DivX playback. Basically, it's the best blu-ray player on the market, and feature updates have kept it consistently so. Movies play in up to 1080p over component and HDMI, though around 2012 studios will have the option of restricting full HD to HDCP secured HDMI connections only. No disc currently does, and hopefully it won't come to pass, as it's frivolous to bootleggers anyways.

What's this hooplah about in-game messaging?
Just what it sounds like. The PS3 now supports in game messaging via your friends list. Just press the button and text away. Voice chat has been hinted at coming down the road as well.

What is Folding@home?
Folding@home is a distributed computing project headed up by Stanford College. The essentials of the project boil down to using your hardware's spare time to do calculations for medical reasearch to help stop diseases. In other words use your PS3 to (theoretically) help stop cancer. The Folding@home client is present on the XMB, and once installed you can hit triangle to have it run whenever your PS3 is just idling.

What the is the best Bluetooth headset for all my voice needs?
The general goon recommended headset was the Jabra BT125. This came in the Warhawk bundle, and can be found cheap online. You can google around for it and find it generally around $20. The older PS2 wired USB headset works as well. I personally have both, and have no problems at all. I think people who review poo poo on Amazon are generally idiots anyways. However, with the new official headset due out shortly, it's worth waiting for that to hit since it will improve on the Jabra considerably.

What's This I Hear about Keyboard & Mouse?
That's right, the PS3 allows any game that chooses to implement it to use Keyboard and Mouse controls. Unreal Tournament 3 supports it. Now, many games have chosen not to as well, for fear of the game being unbalanced.

How the do I make a PSN account for another region? / Why would I?
The PS Store is specific to region, so items in the NA store won't show up in the JPN store, and vice versa. If you want something that's JPN only, or want to use the NA store in the EU, go here for help setting up an account for another region.

Travel on to here:Link

I'm an anxious gently caress and would like to know when the PSN store updates please
Updates are usually pushed out every Thursday, anywhere between 1pm and 5pm PST

Word on the street is that you can use the PS3 controller on a loving PC. Confirm/deny:confused:
Confirm. You can use the simpler Gamesaike SIXAXIS driver if you prefer the low-hassle method. It is hard to find however... Here, enjoy: just because I love you:p


The installer makes an entry in the start menu. Simply plug in the controller and run it. No need to mess with lib-usb bullshit:eek:

However, if that doesn't work for you for whatever reason, sirchode provided earlier driver files for us, and a nifty explanation on how to use it.

sirchode posted:

You'll need these two files:


Install the .exe and then unpack the zip file to a directory. Go into the control panel and into the Gaming Options menu. Plug your Sixaxis into the computer and you should see it in the list of controllers, double-click it and you'll see a calibration test or something. Wiggle the analog sticks and nothing should happen at this point. Run the .exe that was in the zip file, press the PlayStation button and wiggle the sticks again to see if it worked. If it didn't, run that .exe again and again and again and again until you get it working, making sure to press the PS button each time. I verified that it works in ZSNES so have fun.

You can still get full HD without HDMI dammit
Both component and DVI will allow 720p/1080p signals for games if your TV supports it. The only catch is that Blu-Ray movies will eventually (in 2012) have the option to require HDMI on a per-disc basis. For games, your trusty PS2 component cables will work just fine -- for that matter all PS2 cables will work. However, if you are using an HDMI cable, it needs to be connected to a HDCP-compliant device or you'll get no video/audio. If your TV doesn't support HDCP via HDMI/DVI, you'll have to use one of the above-mentioned connections.

Overheating issues are very loving rare
Enclosing the thing in some kind of carpet tortilla aside, the PS3 not only runs nearly silent, but after having the system on for a good 10 hours, it was still cool to the touch on either side. The system does a wonderful job of shunting heat out all those little vents you see on the top/back (that, however, was quite warm). It's almost scary how cool the system runs considering the kind of power it draws.

The PS3 does not currently upscale every PS3 game.
For most current games, the PS3 sticks you with one output resolution and downscales anything if you have it set higher. This means if you've got an older HDTV that's locked at 1080i, and the game only outputs at 720p, you're going to be playing games at 480i.

This is changing; many games now will at least scale the picture to another resolution, and some are having support patched in. Bear in mind that this is only stretching the original picture in a lot of cases unless the developer actually coded with multiple resolutions in mind. Some, like Namco, do, but it's the exception, not the rule.

As of the 1.8 firmware update, all PS2/PS one games will loving upscale all the way to 1080p if you so choose. DVD's will upscale also, but ONLY through HDMI. It's not always pretty, and it seems most find luck with adjusting the new options for smearing a little blur on the screen as well as upscaling but hey, it's finally there, and may well still improve in the future.

Another resource regarding this issue:

External hard drives and loving iPods:
It's probably important to note that nearly any FAT32/FAT-formatted drive is readable by the PS3. The catch? You'll have to either store the files in GAME/MOVIE/MUSIC folders nested under a PS3 folder in the root of the drive or, you can press Triangle and select View All from the menu there to get the proper directory structure.

Bear in mind that with iPods, you'll still have to deal with Apple's retarded directory structure, meaning you'll probably never find a full album in a single folder, but hey, at least you can view the file names. It's also important to note that iPods need to be PC formatted. Mac iPods won't work, sadly.

For Windows Users
With the 1.80 firmware, Sony added a little treat that no one was expecting: instant and simple support for Digital Living Network Alliance clients. Since that link there probably won't explain things too well at first, here's the gist of it: any compatible DLNA servers share content with other DLNA clients, and the list of actual servers/clients is fairly huge. The good news? You can make just about any computer a DLNA with the proper software. Amazingly, the most effective way to do this seems to be with the only major option out there that's free: TVersity. Go figure.

If you need to get this stuff setup and running, the basics are:
1. Be on the same network
2. Enable Media Server Connections on you PS3 (Under Network Settings)
3. Run any DLNA compatible media server on a PC in your network

In most cases this just means downloading TVersity and CCCP, installing it, and going from there. More advanced users might use K-lite Codec Pack for compatibility reasons..

Windows Media Player 11 - Another free solution, and a rather kick rear end one if I may say, but it does lack one key feature: mufugga don't transcode, son. Unless you manually convert all your shizz (which will probably preserve the video quality far better than transcoding anyway), you're only going to be able to play what the PS3 natively supports. *******s.

For Mac Users

MediaLink - This is pretty much THE DLNA solution for Macs. pilable personally bought and use this, and testifies it's worth every loving penny:

"When I had my Windows PC, I used TVersity which was okay when it worked, and then MediaHome which was also okay, but both programs took a while to set up, and the way MediaHome displays file/folder hierarchy did not make any sense at all. With MediaLink, it literally took me few minutes to go from downloading the software, to having it completely set up and ready to go. The PS3 picked up everything and the file/folder hierarchy made sense! I sort of sound like a salesman for the site, and I swear to God I don't work for them, but you really should cough up the money for this if you run a Mac because it's awesome."

Linux Users
Mediatomb. You're on linux, I expect you to be competent enough to figure this out.

Ubuntu Linux
* ubuntu has gained alot of noteriety recently for being very user-friendly, and designed to make it as un-complicated as possible. That said, setup on a PS3 still requires a bit of knowledge, but Download here will help your rear end out.

The absolute latest firmware is version 2.40, which is the long awaited update since launch, adding both in-game XMB for messaging, and custom soundtrack support, along with trophies. Games that came out before the 2.40 update will have the functionality patched in on a per-game basis, but many AAA titles are expected to support it in due time. More importantly is that most games going forward will have full support for these features.

Visit Sony's site to get the details.


Miscellaneous PS3 Questions:

If I loving replace the hard drive in my PS3 with a bigger one, will it void my warranty?
Hell naw son. In fact, there is a section in Sony's manual which shows you exactly HOW to replace the hard drive. Pretty neato, eh? Don't bother with a Solid State drive though. It increases install times, while providing at most a 2 second boost in some scenarios.

I hosed up, and now my PS3 won't output video to my TV
If you happen to use the PS3 on another display or you just start messing with the settings and screw things up follow these simple instructions:

1. Turn off your PS3.
2. Power it on by holding the power button for at least 5 seconds. You will hear a delayed beep.
3. Profit . The PS3 will automatically detect what it needs to output to, and at that point you should be prompted with a wizard. Follow it. To the land of Oz.

Where the gently caress can I check to see if I'm in a beta?
Head right on over here and log in with your PS Underground/G.A.P. ID.

My controller keeps loving dying/locking up and coming back after 5 seconds of play, what the hell?
If your controller is under a year old, and you have a receipt, call Sony and tell them exactly what is going on. Hell, even if it's older than a year, try calling them about it anyways. Sony is pretty bad rear end when it comes to customer service for the PS3. There have been stories of people getting not one, but two free controllers for the trouble.

Here's a decent thread about how to set up your wireless connection on the PS3 to make sure it's NAT 2. if you're having any funkiness (random disconnects etc.) check it out:Link

Now guys jump in share and discussion here.
If there's anything you feel that should be in this post and i miss it, feel free to pm me and i'll add it in.
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guys u want exchange some games here is the list:

1-Fifa Street
2-Smack Down Vs RAW 2009
3-Moto Strom

All r in mint condition.tell me ur which u want.
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