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Ambassador of Buzz
What does Proxy mean ....and how is it helpful for dail-up users....
How doest it work...And if u have to configure it ,does it have to be for the whole PC or for a browser or s/w only...??
Does it increse the sufring speeds(or d/w speeds).....
No idea what these are.....Also if some one cud help on what do servers like apache do?i meanif i install it can i upload file on net so that ppl can d/w it?? :oops:
I have no idea abt any of these .....plz help and explain in a simple manner like its done in the mag :)


In the zone
Proxy : They are mainly ip numbers/hostnames through which you can connect to the net. (Or if already connected your ip will change to the proxy numbers). Its like this if you use a proxy then all the connection to the outside world will be through the proxy. it will be like you - the proxy server - Internet.
From the explanation above i hope you can khnow its uses. For dialup it is mainly used in LAN (Cafe) to share the internet connection.

Apache is a web server. If you install it. then ppl will be able to access your pc (as per the access you give them) you will be able to host your own websites.. etc...
i simple words, proxy is nothing but a kind of firewall which is used by some big or small corporates. proxy defines the kind of packets (http,ftp,etc.)allowed to come in n go out of some network.thesse rules r defined by an administrator of that network.


Proxies are installed mainly to control Internet access and allow Internet Sharing. They are used as web filters, to block web-sites, disallow downloads of certain file types, timed Internet access and also for the sharing of Internet access. They also prohibit softwares from accessing the internet.

They are normally coupled with firewalls.


Ambassador of Buzz
hmmm so if i install a proxy s/w and configure it...can i restrict the usage on internet and ban site to be viewed>>?
Well if yes then sum1 plz tell me how do do so and suggest a easy s/w (freeware if possible)
well to restrict d usage and ban the sites or some protocols even u can use some firewall annd some sites u can also put in restricted area of internt explorer browser by giving the full url of the site in tools -> internet options -> security -> restricted sites -> sites.

if u want make use of proxy u can do it to be anonymous on internet.E.g- some email sites record ur machine's IP in the heaaders of the mail u send. if u dont want ur IP to be recorded u can , u can connect through some sites like .in this way when u send mail then the IP of that site goes to that e-mail .in this way acted as a proxy server b/w u and that email provider
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