Processor & Motherboard related queries



Aspiring Novelist
^most of these cheap motherboards are incapable of supporting 1333 mhz fsb,enabling or disabling speed-step will not resolve this issue.Is your e8400 running at 3 Ghz?The task of speed step is to reduce the cpu's clock speed when its idle to conserve power.
No, it's running at 2.39 ghz. Even when I pushed, it tops @ 2.39 ghz.
Tried to get information about motherboard from command prompt, all I got was "to be filled by OEM".
Going by CPU-Z, rated FSB is 1064 mhz which is about 80% of 1333 mhz. So I will get only 80% of E8400's clock speed which is 2.4 ghz (of 3 ghz)


It would have been even better if you had bought a refurbished board from a well known brand such as Asus/GB/intel etc rather than going with your seller's recommendation and purchasing a chinese product of dubious quality-then hassles like this could have been avoided.But atleast you do have a functional system now and that's got to count for something.Have you experienced any other unusual problems or issues with the board till now?Does it really have the g31 chipset as claimed by your retailer-have you verified that?


Aspiring Novelist
It would have been even better if you had bought a refurbished board from a well known brand such as Asus/GB/intel etc rather than going with your seller's recommendation and purchasing a chinese product of dubious quality-then hassles like this could have been avoided.But atleast you do have a functional system now and that's got to count for something.Have you experienced any other unusual problems or issues with the board till now?Does it really have the g31 chipset as claimed by your retailer-have you verified that?
I tried few places for refurbished board, I couldn't get one. I waited for about a week, didn't want to delay the purchase anymore, so went ahead and bought this unit.

Yeah, it's working. But I am skeptical about its life.

It boots faster, don't know it's the processor or board. Roughly 15 seconds or less, I reach windows login screen. It was about 30 seconds before, if I remember right.
Problem, sound is not as good as the previous board. Updated all the drivers, still not good. Tried different option in BIOS, still not as good. Video, again not good based on 4k video I tried to play. My previous board with onboard graphic would play slowly, but this just plays audio with blank screen.

Other than the box, there is no other place I can find whether it's G31 or not. As I already said, windows couldn't see manufacturer info. So is the case with CPUZ.


Re: Processor & Motherboard related queries

Then its probably not a genuine g31 board as g31 chipset natively supports 1333 mhz FSB cpus.Windows booting within 15 secs is also a bit unusual-i too have a e8400 but win 10 takes around 1 min or more to fully start up on my pc.But maybe you're getting faster boot times as you're running win 7.How much ram do you have at the moment?

As far as durability is concerned,it is always a gamble with these chinese boards-it may or may not last long enough depending on the quality of the components it uses.Usually capacitors are the ones that tend to fail the most on such mobos but i've head that they can be replaced quite easily.Does your board anyhow resemble the one displayed in this page:

Intel G31/945 Chipset Motherboard, Support 775 socket Processor & DDR2 Ram Supp | eBa

The reason sound quality is sub-par is probably because this board has an older AC'97 audio chipset that produces markedly inferior audio quality as compared to the more feature rich HD audio chipsets(which is what your older motherboard most likely had).Have you tried using your GT 710 on this mobo-is it working fine?Older onboard video chipsets are pretty much useless for playing hd content.


Aspiring Novelist
Somewhat similar.

This is the photo on the box. One difference is I have 4 SATA ports instead of two in the picture.

I am using Win 8.1, 3GB RAM (1+2)


Doesn't look too bad,all things considered.The only thing that remains to be seen is how much mileage will you eventually get out of it.
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