Problems With Dataone

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Broken In
I have dataone 900 plan
vn evr i use Bitcomet in evening and mornings my connection speed drops horribly to 12-13kb/s
and i cant even a page with bit comet running
While i get around 30kb/s at night time.
Is there any way to optimize my connection speed and increase it
and is there a way to ditribute my band width between surfing and downloading


First of all get a new torrent client like Azureus or Utorrent. My experience with BitComet has been dismal and BitComet is banned from certain sites.

Next point is have you configured your router for port forwarding? If not then do so. If you do not know how to do that open your router by typing in your browser and typing the user name and password (defaults are admin and password), and enable uPNP. Also enable uPNP in your client (BitComet, whatever). The software will talk to the router and set the path automatically.


I Always Prefer 1080p
I am having torrent problems right from Day 1 of Installing Dataone
One major problem is Dataone has an Upload Speed of 64kbps and Download Speed of 256 kbps (in Theory):).ADSL Technology

The recommended Torrent Minimum Upload Speed is 128kbps
So whenever I use any client like Azureus,uTorrent or Bitcomet,
my SmartAX MT880 HUAWEI Modem just hangs(all LEDs just freeze)

So I never use torrents (Unlucky Me:mad:)


Broken In
yup dude i have the same model
i think bsnl is doin data throttlin on ul plans in peak hour they limit the bandwidth for p2p


I Always Prefer 1080p
NucleusKore said:
If that's the case go for AirtelBroadband. Their's is 999 UL, 256/256 is what I get in practice

Thats because Airtel uses
Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) where upload & download speeds are the same


Broken In
whil surfing sometimes i get disconnectd and the pages dont load anymore ....
and if try to disconnect it by right clickng on the connection icon on the taskbar i cant and also vn i double click on the dialer it dosnt open.
thn i have to restart the computer and reconnect again ....
whts can b the cause of this


I Always Prefer 1080p
keep_it_rl said:
whil surfing sometimes i get disconnectd and the pages dont load anymore ....
and if try to disconnect it by right clickng on the connection icon on the taskbar i cant and also vn i double click on the dialer it dosnt open.
thn i have to restart the computer and reconnect again ....
whts can b the cause of this

Which plan are you using ?



Broken In
Dude Am Usin 900ul
Lemme Xplain u the Prblms In Detail
Its like evrything is going smoothly but suddenly the web pages stop loading.
But i can see the lan icon on the taskbar showing tht am still connected to the net.But practically its disconnected coz pages rnt loading anymore.
Now i try to disconnect the net by right clicking on the lan icon but it doesnt disconnect.Now i try double clickng the broadband dialer,but nothing heppens i retry double clicking it but still no result..
Now with no other way left i restart my modem and computer and then try to connect thn only i can connect....
But somtimes i evn have to restrt my computer several times...
is it due to my modem ,pc or isp
bsnl ppl are saying tht its bcoz of computer therez no such problem wid the modem
is it the way a modem hangs
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I Always Prefer 1080p
How is your IP address configured ?

Static IP or DHCP

Also check what SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) you get
Its a very important factor while getting connected
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