Problem with internet connection in debian sarge

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18 Till I Die............
I am having problem accessing internet in debian sarge. Everything was working fine till 15 mins back. But, all of a sudden I started getting no connection. It happened while I was adding SMTP server settings for thuderbird(dunno if there's some connection between the two).
But, the strange thing is that I can ping both my IP and Gateway. Also, I don't think DNS server is down either cos I can access digit forums without any problems. I can get my mail from my ISP's POP server. But, I can't connect to yahoo or amsn messenger.
Any idea what's gone wrong?
My IP, Gateway and DNS settings are OK.


left this forum longback
are u having pppoe or dial-up...assumes pppoe
try 'ifconfig' for lan up or not ...otherwise 'ifconfig eth0 up' and try...
sometimes if u assume ipaddress,gateways etc for lan,u may need to run
'route add default ppp0' or whatever the connx name is...AFTER 'pon dsl-provider'....taking ur word 'no connection' :D
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