Problem with IE 7!!! Add-ons

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Cyborg Agent
I am using internet explorer 7.My version is 7.0.5730.11.
I can't enable the Add-ons. I searched help file.....and it is under tools--->Manage Add-ons

but here it is always is the screen shot.

I must enable the Add-ons because i need to install "Bit stream Web font" player which was a IE add-on for view a particular Indian language web page....and that page only can view with Internet Explorer.
Experts please solve my problem.



1. Right click on Internet Explorer and select 'Properties'.
2. In the "Target" field just delete the last part of the file name that says '-extoff' and apply the settings.
3. Click 'OK'

Then Click Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Right click Internet explorer> Properties
In the target field remove "-extoff".

Restart internet explorer. Now you should be able to manage add ons.
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