Problem installing centos 5.1

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I am very new to linux.

I am in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry.
I want to install the molecular modelling suite sybyl in linux.

1) for this i installed fedora 8 and tried to install sybyl but following error is coming:
Here is the return I get during the install:
Copying install files ...
Copying files Python ...
Unzipping Python files ...
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/ dsw/testing/pbondi/scratch/sybuny70_wh/cd1a/linux_python/lib/python2.1/lib-tk/", line 1285, in __call__
Return apply (self.func, args)
File "/ usr/tmp/TA_INSTALL17440/", line 415, in doInstall
Self.install ()
File "/ usr/tmp/TA_INSTALL17440/", line 639, in install
Self.installIt (x)
File "/ usr/tmp/TA_INSTALL17440/", line 749, in installIt
Self.installItHere (product, self.taroot, self.plats)
File "/ usr/tmp/TA_INSTALL17440/", line 852, in installItHere
Os.execl (tmpDir + "", "" cdname)
File "/ dsw/testing/pbondi/scratch/sybuny70_wh/cd1a/linux_python/lib/python2.1/", line 259, in execl
Execv (file, args)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

what is the problem..

2) for this i heared that sybyl can be installed on cent os ... hence i downloaded centos5.1

but the setup hangs after i have hit enter at the star (both in graphix and text mode)
it stops after checking for PCI interfaces...
why this is happenning.
My pc configuration is:

Core2duo 6550
DDR2 2gb Ram
Dg33f mainboard

please help>...
thank you.


left this forum longback
why dude?I just googled and found rpm's for your distro!

dont try source compiling unless it is necessary!


thanks for your reply.
Actually i dont know much about compiling also..
but the sybyl setup comes with 3 cds ..
in the first cd there is which starts the grphical setup... but giving above problem.
how to use those rpms?
please help
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