Negative Experience Primeabgb sucks big time nowadays


Gaming Unlimited
Hi Guys,

My last 2 purchases done previous month was terrible and heartbreaking event which has inclined me not to buy online from them ever in future. The first product i purchased was Samsung EVO 250GB SSD on June 20th ( It was written "In stock" on website ). Like my previous dealings ( 2 years ago ) which shipped within next day of purchase made me think they'll do the same. Alas, didn't got any update till June 23rd where they claimed they were getting new stocks and ship the material on thursday and friday. I waited till June 26th and 27th and days just went flying without any details of shipment. I was eagerly waiting and getting anxious. Finally, made a call to them and they forwarded to "Karan Kumbhkar" who said the materials haven't reached them at all. They'll ship material as soon as its in stock. I was really frustrated but said Ok. Then 2 days of continuous email to them made them reply back on July 1st saying that they got stock yesterday ( perhaps 30th June ). Then it was July 4th when i got product. But i wasn't really happy and was exhausted of waiting nearly 15 days to get product which is terrible and unforgiving. I asked myself not to purchase again from them. Then it happened again, I couldn't find a cheap SSD mounting bracket on other e-commerce websites and bought from "Corsair SSD bracket" ( yes, i was stupid to buyafter previous experience ) on July 4th... and now i'm counting days to when it'll arrive and feeling disdained. Shoot 'em email 2 days ago, again today with harsh words but no reply yet. I might've to call them today and bash them verbally. Its been 11 days i didn't got any update nor any status of my shipment.

So Guys, you might've to wait for more than 15 days or more if you're buying from them online. I request you to look elsewhere as they've gone very unreliable and get "Untrusted" mark from my side. It might be okay, if you buy them directly from Lamington road but don't buy online as what they do is sheer ignorance which is full of pain and disdain.
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