Post your latest Purchase


AMD user for 9 yrs!!
Re: Post what you purchased.

^^shud have bought a Samsung Bordeux LCD TV. but have been xpensive
hey man ... bought it out of my savings from pocket money,
and lcds are way to expensive abhi .. in no time they gonna be down we all know that. and may be after a few years we skip the lcds and will be buying the lcd projectors,

and as for Philips i know its one of the best around, atleast brands says, as for sony man .. they are greedy people. 29" normal flat crt TV was for whooping 18.800 ruppes. bloody cheat these sony india people


Re: Post what you purchased.

SONY IS EXPENSIVE EVERYWHERE. dont trust those guys. well I have a 34" Flat CRT. (LG Flatron)


AMD user for 9 yrs!!
Re: Post what you purchased.

^ Gr8 .. thats Jumbo man.. it should be huge ;)
what was the price of it?
can you post a pic of it ..


Re: Post what you purchased.

^try for the pic,sure i wud do it tday. dunt rmember the price as it was bought 2 years before. I have got 2 TVs of 15" CRT. lol, they are so small.!


Re: Post what you purchased.

^^good. Guys need Razer Lycosa + Razer copperhead from a retail store or online Mart in INDIA. please someone inform me the REAL price and where can i get it. dosent have them!


Livin my Dreams
Re: Post what you purchased.

Maxtor Basics External Portable HD for Rs.3450
Seagate Barracuda 500GB HD with 32mb buffer at Rs.4000 (Could not find out the buffer reading. Tried Everest and HDTune but they both showed the Buffer part Unknown, Tell me any other software plz)
Evga 8600GT 256MB DDR3 at Rs.5400
abit IP35P for Rs.5700 wanted to buy IP35-E but he gave me the P instead of E and the difference is that P is an Overspeed Edition can run DDR2 ram at 1066Mhz.

All Hardware was purchased from Nehru Place, Delhi.
Extra Expenses Rs.15 for Parking Rs.400(estimate) for Fuel the Beast (My Honda Accord)

I also sold off my old mobo to the same dealer for 1000 buks (ASUS P5gz-MX , 945 MoBo)

So Guyz tell me Did I bought something Wrong!


Re: Post what you purchased.

^^ya u did a sin by buying the 8600GT and not the 9600GT


Google Bot
Re: Post what you purchased.

^^ And you did a sin by not buying a Abit IX38 Quad Gt and a puny MSI :D


Rising ApocalypsE
Re: Post what you purchased.


Ur Entire purchase is good but u shouldn't have gone for 8600GT. Don't mind if it sound weird, but u have a Honda Accord, so i guess u got some deep pockets. U should have gone for 9600GSO/GT, they costs more but they are the true VFM. Don't drive it for another week and use DTC bus or Delhi Metro. This help u in saving some buck.....kidding.

I also seen that there is some guy who bought a TV for 10K and we are giving him suggestions like he should have gone for LCD.
Guys i hope u all realize that there is a huge price difference between LCD and TV. I mean he spend 10K on 29" TV, for that price he merely get a 19" LCD. The difference is 10" and almost 3-5 times is the price.
Well its an open forum but i found this one really awkward.


Re: Post what you purchased.

^^I gave it. But i did not advice him to BUY it . Was just saying that now its the LCD era and should have saved for some months and got an LCD:D I aint a noob. My mobo is quite good. Am gonna get it out and get a MSI X38 Diamond and a E8400 soon. Thanks for the suggestiong:)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: Post what you purchased.

yesterday got my brand new SE K810i . :D now enjoying the fone :D

WD Element 160 GB in Rs3450 including tax

Guys Post the address of your purchase ?

Why many of you guys are so ignorant about posting the address ?

It's clearly mentioned on the beginning of the thread to post the address.

I believe we should have a thread where everyone should post the most recent hardware they Purchased. The difficulties they faced or problems if any, what other things you considered. The price and place. this will be very helpful information. Follow this format.

1. Purchase date:
2. Hardware purchased with price.
3. Place/retailer details and address
4. City of Purchase.
5. What other products you considered.(If possible, why you selected the current product.)
6. Any problems after purchasing, and suggestion for those about to purchase
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Re: Post what you purchased.

got the game called The Club for Rs.300 from near by store u wudnt know.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: Post what you purchased.

For things like cheap game & cd or dvd's there is no desperate need for me or any other guys to know the location of the purchase coz cd & vd's cn be bought less or more Rs. 2-3 difference anywhere in India.

If some one don't want to post the address of their purchase then don't post it. No one is compelling you. You've got the right to be anonymous.

But for the respect of the thread starter one should ( or try to ) post the address.

But in case of hardware there is a must need for the address coz no one wants to cheated by the bad comp shops :wink:
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