I don't mind 5-10 discs. Also I'm getting Verbatim for lesser price than Moser Baer so I will prefer Verbatim for now.
verbatium cheaper then moserbaer locally or online.. If online pls share the source
Congrats climbx even I was planning to buy an external HDD cover for my WD Essentials.
HDD cover was very very long due.. I wished to get leather cover but I could not find it locally so at last I bought this simple cover well It is much better then without it .. you can see scratches on my HDD..

anyway live camera is really good in good light .. it catches a lot of details..
Whats the design book about?
Book is more about technicality of printing.. From page type, gloss, finishing to print binding.. printing terms and all...a book is for Graphic Designer who designs for Print..