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  • *
  • *
  • * (for Outlook and Outlook Express only, only POP3 emulation not actual POP3)
  • * (with the help of YahooPOPs, *, but has problems working with attachments at times)


In the zone
no way!

FLASH NEWS: GMail is not the best mail service. here's why

asim13june said:
there are many wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

GMAIL Is The Best,

Absolutely wrong......

Dude look down below......

further down......................

Gmail isn't the best! Why?

B'coz English doesn't have a word enuff to describe it.....

I mean it's better than the bestestestestest


Another Brick in the Wall
xenkatesh said:
wht is there to be lol abt :evil:

as far as how to set gmail as pop3 , see
this thread

and u can use" pop goes the gmail" to acess in ur email client...


HELP NEEDED !!!!!!!!!!!!!
how the hell do i download my mail fron the gmail server.
i use thunderbird1.have enabled pop3 for my account,saved it.
configured thunderbird according to the instructions by gmail.
i get a message saying SERVER TIMED OUT,or sometimes nothing happens.
going on for the past week.
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Another Brick in the Wall
i use thunderbird1.have enabled pop3 for my account,saved it.
configured thunderbird according to the instructions by gmail.
i get a message saying SERVER TIMED OUT,or sometimes nothing happens.

see this :
Follow the directions very closely, and come to your own conclusions with some parts.

If you can't figure a wizard-based configuration out, then you don't deserve gmail.


i had done exactly what the link provided says."EXACTLY THAT"even before i posted this. .
still no change.
OH i forgot to mention, i can send messages from thunderbird.but cant dload messages.
any one else having the same problem.



Right off the assembly line
1. ok i went to, but how the heck should i register, it says "We're currently only offering Gmail as part of a preview release and limited test. We don't have details on when Gmail will be made more widely available, as that depends in part on the results of the test."

2. using hotmail with outlook express, i created an account in outlook express, but when i click on send/recv icon it says "Unable to poll for new messages on your HTTP server. Account: 'Hotmail', Server: '*', Protocol: HTTPMail, Server Response: 'Access to Hotmail via Outlook and Outlook Express now requires a subscription. Please sign up at *', Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x80004005"

3. previously some ages ago i used yahoo pop3 with incedimail Xe, but yahoo stopped pop3 support, and started charging. then i came to know abt yahoo pops but whenever i hit the send/recv button it used to download each and every mail from my yahoo box inbox. so stopped using that and again started using html interface.

4. abt using "*" & "*" are they good, i.e. some mail services take days to deliver mails, if they arent the same pls lemme know.

thnx for all ya guys


Right off the assembly line
i hav found it

well i dont know how to register urself on gmail but surely hav found many other free pop3 service providers, the link below lists many, i created account on
thnx 4 all ur help

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