Please Suggest a phone within 4K


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Budget? 4K (maximum)
Form Factor? bar, slider, flip? Bar
Preferred choice of brand? Preferably Mixromax/Samsung
Preferred input method (QWERTY, touchscreen, numpad, touch-n-type). QWERTY
What camera option you want? Please specify need for flash, autofocus, front facing camera. 2 MP Camera
Primary use of handset (multimedia, camera, mails, internet, gaming etc)? Multimedia
Any specific mobile phones in consideration? Micromax Q75
Any other info that you want to share :- I am in need of a phone that has proper Battery Backup; Will love a Slide QWERTY if available in that price.


Fluidic design!!!
You won't find any phone with slide out Qwerty for 4K. At 4k you will get Nokia X2-01 QWERTY but it has a VGA Camera. If you can exclude the QWERTY keypad then you can get Nokia 2700 Classic @Rs.3,750. Or extend your budget to 5k and get Samsung Ch@t 335 which has a 2MP Camera or Sony Ericsson Cedar which has 3G and 2MP Camera but lacks QWERTY keypad! The choice is yours. :) :razz:


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I want QWERTY....SLide out is optional... Anything within 4K which has QWERTY and 2 MP Camera??
I shortlisted Micromax Q75, but reading its reviews, I found out that it has poor Battery Backup...


Fluidic design!!!
I would not recommend Micromax Q75. Extend your budget to 5k and get Samsung Ch@t 335 which has a 2MP camera and QWERTY


Yeah get samsung or nokia. Micromax has got problems although they will fix it for you (in my case screen failure)


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Well sorry I missed this thread. Thanks for your feedback, guys. I will be looking forward to Chat C322 and 335 when I visit Mobile Store next time. :wink:
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