My specs-
Core I7 3770k processor
ASRock z77 extreme 4 motherboard
Nvidia gt 610 syenergy edition gddr3 2gb graphics card
Corsair vengeance 2x4gb ram
Cooler Master CM 690 2 plus cabinet
A Phillips monitor whose model I don't know (lcd)
Creative speakers and woofer whose model I also don't know!
Seagate baracuda 1TB HDD
HP dvd1260i DVD Burner Internal Optical Drive (black)
Please recommend me a power supply unit for my boils. My future wishes-
I will purchase a high end liquid cooler.
Some more fans (about 3 high end)
Nvidia gtx 690 graphics card (dual with my current low end)
I will also overclock my processor to 4.5GHz.
So my new PSU should be able to run all these future requirements as well as present.
My budget is around 8000rupees.
My specs-
Core I7 3770k processor
ASRock z77 extreme 4 motherboard
Nvidia gt 610 syenergy edition gddr3 2gb graphics card
Corsair vengeance 2x4gb ram
Cooler Master CM 690 2 plus cabinet
A Phillips monitor whose model I don't know (lcd)
Creative speakers and woofer whose model I also don't know!
Seagate baracuda 1TB HDD
HP dvd1260i DVD Burner Internal Optical Drive (black)
Please recommend me a power supply unit for my boils. My future wishes-
I will purchase a high end liquid cooler.
Some more fans (about 3 high end)
Nvidia gtx 690 graphics card (dual with my current low end)
I will also overclock my processor to 4.5GHz.
So my new PSU should be able to run all these future requirements as well as present.
My budget is around 8000rupees.