Please Help: Win XP Folders in Win 7


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Dear All,

I have purchased a new PC just 2 months before. The specs in short are: i5-750 processor, Asus P7P55 mobo, 2 GB DDR3, 500 GB Seagate (RAID HDD?), 20" LG W2043T monitor, CoolerMaster cabinet, GeForce 8600GT.

I have installed Win XP SP2 32-bit and Win-7 Ultimate 64 bit OS on my new PC. My problem is, the WinXP folders (from my previous PC Backup) shows very restricted access to them in Win-7. For example, when I open context menu in any of such folder, only a "New Folder" command is available under it and none other commands are available. But if I create a new folder in Win-7, it shows all other commands also. Please help me to solve this problem. I have a tremendous folders as my backup and it is practically impossible to go on creating each folder.

My second question is I jut want to know what performance do I get from 32-bit programs when used on 64-bit OS platform? Is it like I am under-utilizing my hardware / software capability? Please guide me on this.

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