Please help-Problem with software Compatibility

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Broken In
well the thing is tat i had been using zone alarm pro 6.1.737 as i have gt broadband so the firewall is quite important. Now couple of days back i installed avg antivirus latest edition, both of these were workin normally until i updated avg first i updated only the definitions so nothin happened nw as soon as i had updated the components update my computer started restarting without ny notice like a cold boot. and this thing happened every time i opened windows (within few seconds of coming onto the desktop). so i thut smethn wrn with the av so i changed it to kaspersky av (same thin happend) til the time i only update the definitions nthn happens bt as soon soon as i go with the av component (whole soft)update the comp starts restartin. i feel somethn is clashing between the zone alarm n the av bt hw cn i correct this or hw cn i find out the core of the problem. :roll:


Ambassador of Buzz
I think so AVG has the option of rebooting when update process completes, which mainly applies to Critical Components :roll: .
You can change it by:

1. Open AVG Control Center
2. Select Update Manager and click on "Properties"
3. Choose either "Update on next reboot" or "Update immediately" and "Require confirmation"

This will disable the automatic reboot of the pc & will ask for a confirmation before rebooting.


Broken In
i think then the same goes for kasperky anitvirus cos after updatin this too, my pc startd rebootin (some conflcit between za and the antivirus i believe) :(


Ambassador of Buzz
True that the system needs to restart after component updating to apply the changes.
But after the setup is over the user is asked for
a reboot and the user is given an option to reboot later also.So if the update is completed successfully then the system should not reboot automatically.
So this rebooting is not normal.

Please state the OS you are running and service packs.


Broken In
well i m using win xp sp1 and i had been using za for sometime now this problem wasnt there before. only when i used avg or kaspersky av this reboot started and the comp doesnt even asks me for a reboot it automatically shuts down and reboots then scans the disk for ny errors. lte me tell u tat this thin only happens when the av and za r workin together only then. not when only one of them is workin . please help


Broken In
thanks a lot guys for your posts, i hav got the problem solved it was actually the in built firewall of kaspersky av that was conflictin with zonealarm. chao
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