Rising ApocalypsE
^ Yeah this is also a good option!
Well, exactly d mobo is Abit ip35-e i guess it's rtailing for 5k or like dat....
If dat's difficult den u can lay up on biostar's p35 based mobo () or an intel orginal p35 mobo....
It's like d p965 of 2day..
best chipset performance as of now.... wid minimal power consumption....
n it iz Dolby home entertainment certified but it dpends on manufacturers 2 provide Dts certified hardware (u can buy a dts certified sound card anytime dude!!)![]()
n all c2d are supported... but no pcie 2.0 (it supports d new 9 series from nvidia anyway)
plus, it suports ddr3 (not sure prices gonna fall here)
lastly, it is a decent overclocker (d abit board)![]()
so if u have less cash go for:
e2160 bout 2.6k
e4500 bout 4.5k
e6550 bout 5.5 - 6k
or if u have mone 2 spend go 4 d new penryns
e8200, e8400 (last one's 4 8k i guess, dunno 4 sure)
d fact remains, msi will improve 980G mobos, but since u already have a gpu, u wont get much benefit out of it...
It really now is a matter of choice, rite now d c2d + p35 combo rules
but den, if u wish 2 b on AMD's side, invest in a 790X (no onboard gfx) based mobo!! n u know vot proccy suits u best!!!
finally, regardin d nvidia chipset, I wud b amazed if Nvidia does not launch its own hybrid grafix system soon....
but regardin an nforce based mobo, u wud have 2 go 4 a c2d in my opinion
now 680i boards r out of d price range
so i wud suggest u 2 look for galaxy 650i lt or zebby 650i sli (4.5k)
remember though, dey only support 8 pipelines per gfx in SLI
so, now it all cums down 2 what platform u want!!
if in doubt, ask hellgate's opinion
oh yes, HAPPY HOLI!!
I am from Aluva.j1n M@tt @aswin1
where r u getting it from for dat price??
at wat part of Kerala r u from??? from Kottayam