PHP based project

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In the zone
any one knows of a php based project which can be used for File tracking in office.

It should work like this.. suppose a department receives a letter and the LDC gives it a file number and enter it in the web based application (using database) and enter the time received and records the time received, send it to a higher staff (he should record to whom he send), the higher clerck receives the file and then enter it in the system (time, from whom, file no, and to whom he will forward) so the process will go on like this,

It can help in many ways like, suppose someone comes to the office and asked about his application then we can just track it down and find out in whose table the file is in.

I hope you got my point... Thanks


FooBar Guy
I am not aware of such a software.
But you can also use phpBB for the same purpose. Just you should plan how to use it!

If you are willing to pay me, then i can make such specialized document handeling software for you!


This surely requires a custom software. There wouldn't be anything readymade.

BTW, GNUrag, I am ready to join hands with you on this ;)


FooBar Guy
Allright then, Its decided. I will start designing the database for the application. I would appretiate if valeta gives a point wise list of features required in this software.

If everything is planned well then i can spend some time on sundays to this project.!


In the zone
GNURAG, thanks for the intrest. i may not be able give a detiled requirement, lets hope the poinst i will be mentioning will be of some help. If any more clarificartion is needed please let me know. And i may not be able to pay to (at least not a huge amount)

the database will be something like this,

Tables : Section, office or departments, user, File

[pk] = Primary key

Section will contain fileds : secid [pk] , secname
Office or dept. will conatin : deptid [pk] , deptname, secid (which will be a foreign key) Note : section will conatin many offices
User will conatin : uid [pk], uname, deptid (again a foreign key from dept)
File will contain : file name, number, date of issue, issued by (uid)

It will be like this.

Say the Deputy secretart of Agriulture wants computerisation of the office so he puts up a file to the Joint Secratary of Agriculture.
The joint secratary will approve it and then send it to the secratary, the secretry then to the minister, the minister in turun will send it back to the secretary with a note that recomendation will be needed from the IT dept. so the Agri secratary will send it to the secy. IT, the secy. It will send it to the jt. Secy IT, the Jt Secy. IT to the DS-IT, and then the DS-IT will give recomendation (specification of the hardwares and softwares) and thn to the Jt Secy IT, the jt Secy IT to the Secy IT. The Secy It will send it to the Secy Agri. The secy Agri will forward it to the Secy Finance for approval of the fund and then it will go on like this.

n the above senario the fil i traveling to many officers desk, In a normal process it will be nearly impossible for the DS Agri to see where his proposal have reached,
Now if we use the file tracking system then he can just login and see in whose table the file is, because as anyone receives a file he/she will login the file tracking system and nter the filename, from whom received, the time recived, and then the action don, to whom forwarded, time when it is forwarded.

I hope this becomes clear.

Thanks alot


GNUrag, we are meeting on 18th. We can discuss this there ;)

valtea, its somewhat clear. But actually sitting and applying mind over it will prop up a few questions.


FooBar Guy
Ya that is fine.
I'll bring a hardcopy of the above posting.

Meanwhile tuxfan, you may want to install DBdesigner on your system. I use it extensively to manage the table relationships to make myself understand the database structure more clearly.

The Linux version would need you to intall Borland Delphi libraries separately.


In the zone
Great ... i'll try to get in touch with the latest happening of the above project.

Thanks alot.


Arey its pretty easy to do it in Access. So I sit and design table, relationships, etc. in Access and finally use the actual one :) No need to download anything new ;)


FooBar Guy
I do not have access to Access :-(

And besides, does Access export the database structure to PNG image? Does access generate SQL code for the database structure we have designed? Does access connect to a random database (like generated by another software) and generate its table structure as well as SQL code automatically? Does access.......

DBdesigner4 is a versatile software, and i had heard that MySQL developers were planning to integrate DEdesigner4 woth MySQL and make it default database planning tool.


GNUrag said:
DBdesigner4 is a versatile software, and i had heard that MySQL developers were planning to integrate DEdesigner4 woth MySQL and make it default database planning tool.

I will very eagerly wait for that day. I really don't like to issue commands for everything in MySQL and that is what has stopped my progress with MySQL :(

As you know Access can't do much of these. But I am comfortable with it and once I decide on the structures, indexes and relations I use the actual DBMS.

But why worry about all this now? Lets first apply our minds and make the structures. We will fine tune after that :)


Broken In
the app link below is for project trackin, but i think that u can make it fit ur reqs.
( i havent used it, just found it on the web )

Double Choco Latte provides basic project management, work orders, and call center tickets. It supports the following features and concepts:

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