Photoshop:Text, with image as filler (vid)

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in your face..
If u r not sure what I mean…………..well, here is the sample.


Not one of my best works, but I guess, you guys get the idea.

There are many ways of achieving this, but the method I have described is probably the easiest. And, of course, discovered by yours truly, purely by accident.

- Always make a copy of any image that you want to fiddle with.
- Use a font that is BIG, FAT, THICK and BOLD. I have used IMAPACT font. Those who don’t have it, will find it in the download file, together with instructions for installation.
- Photoshop 7 has been used.

The download file is 1023.27 KB and must be uncompressed by WinRAR


Text Image.swf [The tut vid. You must have Flash Player v6.0 or above]
impact.ttf [The font this used in the tut]
READ ME.txt. [Instructions for installation of the font]


Šupər♂ - 超人
to have pic as text... it's dead easy.... just write a text... over a pic...
then select text layer... rightclick on layer in side-window... select layer transparency... the text'll get selected. Click on the pic layer now... still selecting the text outline itself. then Ctrl+J... if done well... what happens is that u selected & made a new layer of the text outline in the pic itself.. notice a new layer in the layers pallette... hide all layers except this... u'll see ur text as pic...
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