PC is running but there is no display

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First here is config
CPU-Intel C2D 2.33GHz (E 6550)
MoBo-Intel DG33FB
RAM-Transcend 2 GB 667MHz
Display-Viewsonic 19" Widescreen LCD
Now my problem is whenever I start my PC everything is running but there is no display.I thought it might be thermal paste so I checked and spread a little bit more on CPU.Still no luck.There is no problem with cables.
Another weird thing is when I set MoBo jumper from normal mode to configuration mode,then there is display.and CPU temperature is 55.
So basically when I set jumper to normal mode there is no display.
What should I do?
I am thinking of getting new CPU cooler but I don't know will it work or not.
Please help.


First here is config
CPU-Intel C2D 2.33GHz (E 6550)
MoBo-Intel DG33FB
RAM-Transcend 2 GB 667MHz
Display-Viewsonic 19" Widescreen LCD
Now my problem is whenever I start my PC everything is running but there is no display.I thought it might be thermal paste so I checked and spread a little bit more on CPU.Still no luck.There is no problem with cables.
Another weird thing is when I set MoBo jumper from normal mode to configuration mode,then there is display.and CPU temperature is 55.
So basically when I set jumper to normal mode there is no display.
What should I do?
I am thinking of getting new CPU cooler but I don't know will it work or not.
Please help.

same problem was with me too 3 years back when i was novice in pc stuff
wot i did was i accidentally set my vram to 0 mb in bios settings
then 1 professional told me to set jumper to default
(he meant to remove the cap from the jumper then placing it again on the same pins)
and it was done
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