Legend Never Ends
Bought Alan Wake bundle yesterday.
Bonus Content:
Bonus Content:
MoH: Warfighter is available at 50% discount. Is it worth buying for 750 rs? Did not buy it earlier due to very bad reviews - I'm interested only in SP for this game.
@techfreak Do we get the full game in the bundle ?
MoH: Warfighter is available at 50% discount. Is it worth buying for 750 rs? Did not buy it earlier due to very bad reviews - I'm interested only in SP for this game.
MoH: Warfighter is available at 50% discount. Is it worth buying for 750 rs? Did not buy it earlier due to very bad reviews - I'm interested only in SP for this game.
Bonus Content:
nopes not worth it , SP length is like 6 hour and mp is dead .
nopes not worth it , SP length is like 6 hour and mp is dead .
i think he meant that are the DLC's included or not. Or whether there will be a 2 GB+ necessary update as there was in CS:GO brought from FK?
I got the key as Alan Wake CE
Alan Wake Collector's Edition Extras on Steam
I got the key as Alan Wake CE
Alan Wake Collector's Edition Extras on Steam
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The Humble Indie Bundle 8 is now live!
Are those indie games good?