Legend Never Ends
The inevitable has happened Gamers Gate is sending out refunds for Borderlands 2 4 pack and Bethesda collection
Borderlands 2 Season's pass $10.50 on GMG, deal will be over in a few hours, they already went out of stock twice. GET IT PEOPLE
@Skud, about the fallout collection, can we redeem FO3 and FNV normally? no region lock?
and if you are thinking of cancelling the Fallout collection order, then please leave me a pm on Steam, I am looking forward to that collection, just have FO3 GOTY right now will gift the extra to a friend and keep the rest.
steam id in signature.
Counter-Strike Complete for $9.99 on steam
Total War Master Collection | PC game | Download discounts at Green Man Gaming @ $15.75 with coupon code
Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai Collection | PC game | Download discounts at Green Man Gaming @ $9.50 with coupon code
Crusader Kings Collection - Buy and download on GamersGate @ $21.38 with coupon code. This collection has all the CK1 & CK2 games & DLCs till date.
Total War Master Collection | PC game | Download discounts at Green Man Gaming @ $15.75 with coupon code
Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai Collection | PC game | Download discounts at Green Man Gaming @ $9.50 with coupon code
Crusader Kings Collection - Buy and download on GamersGate @ $21.38 with coupon code. This collection has all the CK1 & CK2 games & DLCs till date.
This weekend we've got 75% off Spec Ops: The Line and a huge 85% off Civilization V: Gods and Kings.
Got an email from GMG containing this:-
Going by current price, both the games will be $3.15 after applying 30% off coupon.![]()
I wish Dark Souls be on sale soon, on GMG
XCOM is $16 after applying the 30% off coupon.
Steam deals for today was disappointing. waiting for Fallout to be on sale soon. :/
@Skud, the Spec Ops deal over or yet to come?