overclocking on intel 915gl

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hey guys!

i've have an intel 915gl mobo. a p4 processor. i want to know how to overclock my cpu. how can i do it????


Wise Old Owl
my suggestion . dont do it if u have a prescot proccy . they are super hot.
neway , wats ur mobo manufacturer and more details of the mobo.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
What ever you do please donot overclock perscot processor. I have 915GAV mobo and a P4 520 processor and the heat generated is too much, BTW if you have original Intel motherboards then you cannot overclock it.


left this forum longback
prescotts show 70-80-89-..degrees in original intel mobos.i originally had bought one 520 p4 2.8HT prescott +intel mobo D915GAV which used to stop down saying the same old "thermal event came and ...".I exchanged my mobo to get one gigabyte 81915ME-GV.now prescott shows avg temp of 32-45degrees.i dont care even if it is wrong.bcoz.....u guessed it :D
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