Overall slow down of Linux distros on nvidia based systems

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I understand that there is a slow response with NVIDIA GPU Based systems esp Ubuntu and other Linux distros.this is highly observed in 8xxx and 9xxx series?

you may try latest 177.13 beta driver.It is better

else a workaround shown on nvnet and ubuntu forums is to add

on your /etc/X11/xorg.conf section "driver" .

I read that this may not work with 3D compiz/beryl or aiglx/xgl.
Option "PixmapCacheSize" "200000"
Option "AddARGBVisuals" "True"
Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
Option "TripleBuffer" "True" # Experimental
Option "BackingStore" "True" # Experimental

And i wrote sudo nvidia-settings -a InitialPixmapPlacement=2 -a GlyphCache=1 in a terminal
As was mentioned in the 173.08 beta release, 173.14.05 contains support for an experimental glyph cache on the GeForce 8 and 9 series that may improve anti-aliased font rendering performance. This support can be enabled by running nvidia-settings -a InitialPixmapPlacement=2 -a GlyphCache=1.
(from the thread)


also consider reading this thread:

Now I think Intel,AMD/ATi got lesser problems than the nvidia systems obviously.

How to install nvidia driver setup we download from nvidia ftp?

irrelevant of which distro ,u need to have gcc,libc6-dev,make,linux-headers or linux-(kernel name)-devel etc installed.for Debian based distros like Ubuntu ,you can apt-get install build-essential which essentially bundles all of this.

next ,check the gcc version of which your linux kernel is compiled.
cat /proc/version
for the info.

if it is compiled with gcc-4.3 , you have to make sure the symlink /usr/bing/gcc points towards gcc-4.3. or use env variable CC=gcc-4.3 in this example.

now 'chmod+x NVIDIA--.sh ' and as sudo or su ,start with "./NVIDIA--.sh" .Hopefully it will build the module fine. next "rmmode nvidia && modprobe nvidia" module.

with Debian distros ,make use of module-assistant which can make the nvidia module easily. :)

Hope this helps :)


Beyond Smart
^^Atleast they think so..Thats the reason they gave for not open-sourcing their drivers :-|


BSD init pwns System V
Damn.. so this is the reason that OpenSUSE 11 feels sluggish on my 8600 GT with Compiz on..


left this forum longback
my 2 cents: those who dont want to compile and want bleeding edge Linux kernel ,try *rarewares.org repository for 2.6.26 zen sources kernel .debs -they provide nvidia-173.14 IIRC.also ,linux-headers and source too
The kernel is based on Zen Sources!
Here is the direct link to the packages:

kernel - for prescott/core2duo and above -

nvidia driver-
source(only if u want to recompile):

for amd -
nvidia driver-
source(only if u want to recompile) -

I posted this if someone would have saved from the lock-ups that is happening with current 2.6.24 kernel

not good to add this repo to your list IMO .you can download whatever packages necessary

Best of Lucks!
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