or LibreOffice?


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Hello, my beta version of Office 2010 just expired on 31st Oct. So I am looking forward to installing or LibreOffice. But because of their similarities, I can't decide which to use. Can you guys help me?

PS - If you suggest any other office suite, please note that it should be free.

Thanks in advance,
Nisarg Shah.


LibreOffice is a fork of Openoffice since the latter was taken over by Oracle. There is hardly any difference between them.

LibreOffice is in development stage, though is very stable.

You can go ahead and install any of the two.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I prefer open office more.

BTW, can somebody tell me how good is K-office compared to open office ?

I prefer open office more.

BTW, can somebody tell me how good is K-office compared to open office ?

In KOffice support for docx format is not complete, though there is an ongoing effort to do this. The KOffice 2.3 beta is worth giving a try.


^The interface is radically different and you will always feel the suite is still WIP and not a finished product at all.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Will try the new version of both of'em linux next month if I can get some time.

BTW, Koffice can be installed on windows as well - though that may be some old version - right??

KOffice as a end user product has a lot of short comings. Even the developer team knows it and acknowledges it.
There are a lot of effort going on in improving it with the help of Nokia.


Super Moderator
Staff member
So nokia is helping in the development of K-office - that's a new piece of info to me :p

Don't expect much from these Big Corporations. :/

They too have a stake in its development. They are using K-Office and developing a mobile office suite(FreOffice). I too was involved in its development, so can say that serious effort is being put into development.


^But serious developers really don't trust these corporations.
Can you enlighten us as what is the real vision of K-Office apart from providing a half-baked office suite to complete KDE experience.

^But serious developers really don't trust these corporations.
Can you enlighten us as what is the real vision of K-Office apart from providing a half-baked office suite to complete KDE experience.

I agree that K-Office is at the moment half baked. It does not mean that it is the vision of the suite. OpenOffice had the financial backing of SUN and then ORACLE. This enabled them to provide better user experience.

K-Office is a office suite that has been developed by voluntary contributors. Funding has been mainly from the KDE community. Nokia's support will help the project financially and in turn lead to a better product.


BSD init pwns System V
I suggest that now we should boycott "Oracle's" OpenOffice.Org as many leading developers of OOo were asked to resign by Oracle.. We should start using LibreOffice now...

Read this..
^ in the link above there is pricing for use of open office, has the Star Office been discontinued and in its place they are promoting open office as commercial alternate ?
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