Open Suse Some Problem Yaar

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dig_boy_dig,dig !
Today While I am experimenting for write access in the windows partition, I selected D drive and able to paste a file there. I open /etc/fstab and found I changed the D drive as "defaults,umask=0000 0 0" and the other as "umask = 0002". and changed all the drive as "0000" and rebootd the system. Now all the drives are access for write permission.
Thanks for solving the problem. Here is the config of /etc/fstab :

/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST380215A_9QZ1RTM3-part11 / ext3 acl,user_xattr 1 1
/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST380215A_9QZ1RTM3-part9 swap swap defaults 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs noauto 0 0
debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs noauto 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs noauto 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy auto noauto,user,sync 0 0
/dev/sda1 /windows/C vfat defaults,umask=0000 0 0
/dev/sda5 /windows/D vfat defaults,umask=0000 0 0
/dev/sda6 /windows/E vfat defaults,umask=0000 0 0
/dev/sda7 /windows/F vfat defaults,umask=0000 0 0
/dev/sda8 /windows/G vfat defaults,umask=0000 0 0
/dev/sda10 /other ext3 defaults 1 2


dig_boy_dig,dig !
Yes the problems are solved.
Ok is there any package to monitor running byte received/sent during net connection running. Like Knetstat or network monitor of ubuntu/kubuntu ?


left this forum longback
go to gnome panel and right click to see whether net-status-applet is available or not.if it is not,run yast and install gnome-utilities,gnome-net-status-applet=>see these are from debian/ubuntu.the names may be different in suse,so use yast and install if the network-monitor applet is not available.also if ur using kde,inside kicker u can add knetstat.try.remember i dont have opensuse :D


left this forum longback
^i had tried almost all distros and chosen the best distro for me-Debian for the past 3 years,infact u wont learn anything by lurking over distros.I believe using a distro which is best suited for you helps learning.stay in linux Desktop of Gnome or kde and learn the features and options of your DE filemanager,terminal etc for eg to get temp monitor working under linux using lm-sensors or enabling smart using smartmontools adding custom shortcuts.launchers(remember dsl-on,dsl-off) etc
u learn more, rather than trying all the distros!i wasted quiet a long time for this.but it was 4 yrs ago.suse is nice eyecandy
but still tries live-cds if i get to have a chance to update my knowledge on latest kde(since i dont use it on hdd install) and new features like fedora's pulse audio etc.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
Good Thinking. I have 1st installed Fedora 7 which was failed in my PC 2nd I tried Ubuntu and and learning afew about ubuntu I have uinstalled it due to some problem of it. 3rd I installed kubuntu and it is running fine. 4th installed open suse and experiment going on.
Lets see what is next in my mind I dont know. Actually I like to experiment with any new thing.

main topic : I did not find any utilities regarding net status.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
I search entire yast package and did not find any similar package for net status monitor tools.
here is the screenshot of yast.



However will "knetstats" will work in Open SuSe ?


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@nucleuscore can help u.infact in yast there is the software management option too.there you have to search.sry i forgot the yast thing.
this is the link what i am talking about:


Please enable the repositories as in this article

and search for gnome-netstatus or netstatus

I am very busy nowadyas and will be till tomorrow with the National Medical Microbiology Conference (*, so will be late in replying :)


Console Junkie
skghosh44 said:
I search entire yast package and did not find any similar package for net status monitor tools.
here is the screenshot of yast.



However will "knetstats" will work in Open SuSe ?

Why don't you try the online repositories? From the one click install? From I am sure you will find what you want.

Off Topic.... I think I have been away for too long. No comment on openSUSE thread.... And prakash, you said it yourself, if SUSE shifts to deb, it will be the best.


Om Ma Ni Pä Me Hum
i am having problem installing .... i have two hhd ... PATA and SATA ... i want to install suse in SATA drive ...
problem is that SATA drive is secondary drive and Suse fails to read it ... it only shows the other PATA drive .... i tried making the second drive my default drive to boot ... but still suse detects only the first drive ....


SuSE 10.3 has no difficulty in detecting SATA drives, I have only one SATA hard disk. Check the jumper settings on the hard drives.


left this forum longback
this is weird.make sure ur having latest opensuse 10.3.if u can,press ctrl+alt+f2 to get a Virtual console and run "fdisk -l" command to make sure ur both hdds are shown.


Open Suse 10.3 Sound Problem

i installed SuSE 10.3.
but i didnt get sound in it,
my MB is intel original 915GVWB onboard sound card,......

SuSE detects my sound card,,see this here......


* Forums/Screenshot.png

i have installed SuSE 10.3 in my 2 friend`s PC having intel 845 from same DVD(Digit November),they got sound automatically.....

how to configure sound in 915GVWB?????
plzzzzz help..........
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