NVIDIA 169.12 Linux Display Driver Released

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In Pursuit of "Happyness"
I don't have much info on SLI, i think ubuntuforums.org is a better place to find out more about that.
but first try this without SLI. there is not a single reason in ubuntu as to why you need to use SLI. Crysis is the only game where SLI makes some sence. Doom 3, Quake 4 and Unreal Tournament 3, the three bigshot games on Linux, can stay comfortable without an SLI setup.

and as I told you before, please wait till hardy comes out if you want to install ubuntu. Its only maximum 50 days away.
but first try this without SLI. there is not a single reason in ubuntu as to why you need to use SLI. Crysis is the only game where SLI makes some sence. Doom 3, Quake 4 and Unreal Tournament 3, the three bigshot games on Linux, can stay comfortable without an SLI setup.

and as I told you before, please wait till hardy comes out if you want to install ubuntu. Its only maximum 50 days away.
What about fedora?should i try that?
or if anyone can tell me how to recompile the kernel.ill do it plz tell


Who stole my Alpaca!
First of all did you even try to do what is in this thread?

Second of all stick to a thread. Also do you get an error like Kalpik said? if so what does it say. Post the exact error please.
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