Now it is Ubuntu

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Aijaz Akhtar

This Friday I got my set of Ubuntu CDs and soon attempted to install in one office system. It installed the base system, al right but the it wanted to boot from the HDD and started installing the rest of packages, and then the screen started flickering and nothing happened for a long time and I had to switch off.
Later, at one of the laptops I attempted to install the same. It repeated the same process. When I booted again, in normal boot, it said ?kernel panic?. I reinstalled. This time too, similar thing happened. But when I booted again I tried rescue mode, and it boots into Bash. And issuing ?startx? says ?command not found?! Did anybody else experience this?? I tried various CDs (I had 10 CDs from ubuntu).
Also how can I configure X now in command mode. It did not find xfree86.conf file.


FooBar Guy
Ubuntu works here, on different configurations.

Ubuntu 5.04 ships with Xorg server (unlike previous verions which had XFree86 )For configuring X you may want to edit xorg.conf file in /etc/

Aijaz Akhtar

Here is the latest of my Ubuntu case
Yesterday again I attempted to boot Ubuntu in normal mode (Grub worked fine, I could boot into Windows?98 as well), and I reached a yellow screen this time, for the first time, but no log in or any thing. However As I found the LEDs showing busy, I attempted to hit Ctrl-Alt-F2, thinking that I would boot into root without password. But that did not work. And mind it, so far I had not selected any password for the root, but only for a user. So Sudo failed. Nevertheless, I ran xfree86, and it saved a conf file after it asked the name of the file. But nothing happened. Startx said, for the first time, Xserver already running (perhaps) at run level 0. I returned with Ctrl Alt F5 but nothing. But then when I hit Ctrl Alt F1, I was taken by surprise. Here there was a screenful of entries, installing this and setting up that, and in the end, ?Insert Ubuntu CD to install more packages.? And when I followed these instructions, all went well and I got the login screen all right, and could log into my user name. Fortunately when I went to configure user names and passwords, it let me change the root password when it asked the password, I gave the user?s that I was logged into). But later when I attempted to log off and log in as root, it did not allow me to log in as root at that log in screen. (This is the minus point to me, as all that configuration I cannot manage in console). All was working well, then I opened Kyneptic planning to experiment to install Abiword for which I had the rpm in a CD, and when I hit Add CD menu, it hanged. And after that it has never been possible to boot into X again.
And no Gnurag, till then, it was not installed fully, Ubuntu installs in two stages, first the base system and then applications. so perhaps even xorg was not setup then.

Aijaz Akhtar

Well, some how my Ubuntu is working on my laptop and as I know that there is some hardware error in my graphic card (ATI Radeon Mobility), the first thing I did was to attempt the resolution change to 800x600, but then the interface went beyond the screen!! So I at least changed the refresh rate from 85 to 60 Hz. Let us hope that it works.
Later, I used Syneptic to add translation modules and added Hindi, Bengali and Urdu. But nothing works, it says that ?install language support?. What exactly is the language pack under translation, and where I can get the language support installed. I have Unicode fonts of all the languages, how can I install them. So far I could not get any interface where I can install new fonts, or will copying fonts in use/x11/xkb/fonts (or wherever is the fonts folder) will do? And also I would, like to add openoffice l10n packages. Are they available in the install CD? In Live CD, the Hindi interface seemed all right but I am not getting that!!


FooBar Guy
indian language support is natively built into all debian and debian derived distributions. However you have to enable the locates by manually configuring them.

Use this:
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
# dpkg-reconfigure locales

depending on your configuration wether you use su or sudo.
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